A BPR Contest
So, here we are, between Season Two and Season Three. There is a new crop of potential designers out there readying their portfolios, hoping to make an impression. And I know that our own BPR readers are a creative force that not only love Project Runway but are armed with a sense of humor and creativity. We haven't seen a Project Runway-themed wedding (not yet) or Project Runway Action Figures (which I would soooo buy); it's only a matter of time, isn't it? I found myself asking the question, "What am I going to do with my Wednesdays?"
Then I got an idea! We could have a contest. It would be our first BPR contest so it would have to be fun! It didn't take long to decide on a theme. So, here goes:
The First Ever BPR Recreate Your Favorite Scene Contest!
1).Your challenge is to recreate a favorite scene from Project Runway. You may use any materials that make sense but we encourage creativity. Barbie dolls, G.I. Joe's, Bratz dolls, Trolls, etc. may be used as well as clay or even food (vegetables, cheese, dried pasta) to fashion your characters. We suggest that the costumes may be the most important element but they needn't be made out of actual fabric. Drawings, paintings, etc. will also be accepted. Please, nothing vulgar or showing too much 'tootie.'
2). We would like for you to photograph your entries, post them on the internet*, then send me** the link along with a title and full description of the scene you are recreating. I will share the entries with Laura K., Tbone and Dr. Don and we will narrow the selections to the top 3. Then a panel of PR insiders will select the winners which will be featured on posts right here at BPR!
3). Deadline for all entries will be Midnight Eastern, May 1, 2006. We will count down the top three including the descriptions; Third Place will appear May 8th, Second Place on May 9th and First Place will be crowned May 10th! All runners-up will also receive a link to their entries with their title in one post on May 12th.
4). You may enter as often as you like. By entering you agree to allow a link to your entry as well as permission to post your title and description. Real names are not needed to enter; in the event that you win, we will need a way to contact you via e-mail to determine where a prize will be sent.
5). Prizes will be announced after the BPR New York trip. We wanted to give you adequate time to work on your entry (and to build excitement).
So, if you've ever wanted to cry and cut, have a walk off or dress Daniel Vosovic in a towel, here's your chance.
Sound like fun? Now make it work.
*You may host your photos at TinyPic or ImageShack without setting up an account.
**Send entries to The_Scarlett_Letters@comcast.net with the subject 'Contest.'
Fun, fun, fun!!!
A PR diorama!!!
I'm ready to raid my art room closets for fun supplies.
I want to be the first to lay claim to Daniel Franco as a piece of cheese!
The cheese stands alone.
LMAO... "The cheese stands alone."
I used to LOVE dioramas! I need to get my creative juices going here...
Oh this is too funny!!!
I can't wait to see all the outcomes.
I love it :) !!
Bratz World
Thank you so much for the comments :) :)
Kitten, you can send in video but I warn you that video can be less forgiving (think of the jumpsuit that Santino designed for Kara).
All of these ideas are great - let's see them! The prize is a MyScene Barbie autographed by Nick!
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