Hi Laura,
I have to say I been enjoying your website.... I was a huge fan of Season 1 so I understand the addiction. I was a PR addict myself. I read all the blogs and websites that had anything to do with PR. Of course, this season was a little different for me. I didn't have the time and honestly, it is difficult to read negative comments about yourself. But at the end of the day, I still needed to get my daily fix of PR. Blogging Project Runway is the only website I go to now. I truly enjoy logging in and devouring everything that is posted.
I apologized for not writing anything sooner but life has been insanely busy. Having a business to run and doing PR2 and trying to balance a life is very difficult.
Well, I am writing to let all PR fans knows we are having a party at my boutique, LOT 8 this coming Friday, March 31, from 8:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m. The purpose of the party is to showcase my Olympus Fashion Week Collections. All thirteen pieces will be on displays for viewing. If you can't make to the party, it will still be available for viewing all day Sat.
I hope some of y'all can make it. If you do, please let me know that you are with Blogging Project Runway. I felt like I am one of you guys, crazy addicts. I confessed, guilty with pleasure.
Chloe Dao
Click on the invitation to read.

Chloe is one of us!!!
I love it!
Oh man. I think I'm almost definitely going. I haven't been able to find the time to visit Lot 8 but Friday night would be a great first time.
Would that I lived anywhere near Texas! So fun to know Chloe is a BPR gal! Good luck, Chloe! Make us proud with your next steps!
"I hope y'all can come?" I love her! marianne and pleightx, you are now "official" BPR reporters. Sounds like that may give you exclusive access. Send us photos and a full report!
If I lived anywhere remotely near Houston, I'd be there in a hot second!
Too bad I don't...lol
What a great note from Chloe! That is so cool to know she is such a BPR fan! Whenever I made a negative comment about a design during the season I always felt a little bad about the fact that the designer might be reading. But the nice thing about this site is that most people really avoided unnecessarily nasty comments.
So ummmm when is the BPR private jet landing in NY? I'll be there just need to know which airport..
*sigh* I wish LOL Have fun whoever goes! :)
It makes me cry instantly when I see Chloe's mom cry when she wins.. Imagine all they went through and then to have her daughter win this amazing recognition, just so wonderful. :)
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