Saturday, March 11, 2006

Good morning!

Kathy Cano Murillo, who covers art, crafts, and popular culture for The Arizona Republic interviewed me last week. Here is the on-line version. I'm quoted at the very end. Guess what I talked about!

Meanwhile, I've heard from Janthedanfan that Santino Rice is featured again on VH-1's Best Week Ever. I'm going to try to catch this later today. Someone, just give Santino his own show, please!

I had an e-mail from a fabulous artist named John Lacko. Here is an article describing how his drawing of Santino made it into production as a limited edition t-shirt available on Santino's blog. Santino fans - get over there and purchase a shirt while they last!

After 143 days of drought in Phoenix we have rain today. It's really weird.


Jan the Dan Fan said...

Congrats on the interview Laura!

I've been inspired to try my hand at sewing again. Looking forward to getting fabric at Mood to create my own little handbag--perhaps like Vera Bradley.

Cents and Sensibility said...

Hey Laura!

Where were those Santino shirts when I needed them for my finale party?

The story makes Santino sound really nice - more the LATE SEASON Santino than the early one.

I am seriously tempted to buy a shirt... are you? Though if Santino called me on the phone I'd say,

"Hey! Are those SPACE PANTS you're wearing?"