BPR reader Anna alerted us to a super-fun on-line dress-up site featuring Jay McCarroll's designs! Before I posted it I made sure it was okay with Jay and he admits that he "played on it forever."

Click here to play.
Jay is in good company -
Michael Kors, Diane Von Furstenberg, Vera Wang, Betsey Johnson, and Badgley Mischka all have i-dressup dolls!
Thanks for this link. I belong to paperdollnews, a Yahoogroup, and was excited to see this link. Although the group focuses on dolls made of paper, the internet variety is also fun.
Doesn't Jay look great?
Jay looks wonderful! I was so happy to see this picture.
Hmm-here I am at work and it's very quiet so here's my to-do list:
1. Play this game
2. Daydream about what challenge the PR3 designers are working on today.
3. Read my new InStyle with the incredible Heidi Klum on the cover-that woman is BEAUTIFUL!!
4. Play with this game some more
5. Surf BPR and see what new posts are up
6. Go to lunch
7. Order the PR2 DVD and plan a PRfest for the weekend.
Oh, yes, and get some work done at some point!
praddicted--That sounds like a great day to me!
I want a Daniel dress up doll that includes fun scarves and argyle sweaters!
Jan, I actually wrote to the people at i-dressup suggesting Chloe Dao, Santino Rice, Kara Janx and, of course, Daniel Vosovic be included. I'm just imagining, for example, the dresses from 'Garden Party' (aka 'Flower Power') ... how fun would that be to play with?
Scarlett-then #'s 8, 9 & 10 are going to have to be play dress up!!
I love that schedule :) Thanks so much for this link! So much fun and yeah Jay looks so good! I love this site.. oops hey I can stop playing on it whenever I want to.. yeah thats it! Whenever I want to! LOL
This is amazing! So much fun to play with.
Jay looks fantastic!
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