Is there anyone out there who doesn't love Emmett? How adorable was he in the pink shirt? So awkward - still in the fedora...wearing his overcoat in the fabric store in the summer. Whatever was wrong with this design, I certainly didn't see it. Emmett goes out in style. For sure.
Here is a link to all of Oolong's caricatures of the PR designers. Aren't they great?
I've said throughout the whole season that I've REALLY wanted to like Emmett as a designer, because he's quite likable otherwise. I just found him SO blah in every challenge. I want to see some of his menswear though, becuase I bet it's lovely.
I actually think that Kara should have gone before him. She's my pick to be "auf" for next week...
Did anyone notice how Emmett made that pink shirt his own by embellishing it with big glittery Laverne-like E? I don't think it's there when he first wears it but you can see it when he's on the runway. It's like he made that g-g-gay shirt into a badge of honor. Or humor. Endearing!
I think I saw an "N" on Nick's too. Who did that? Hmmmm...
Nick's definitely had an "N" on it...poss (short for possibly) all of the guys embellished their floofy shirts to make them their own...
I'm absolutely devastated that Emmett is out. He may not have had the flair of some of the others, but he is certainly artistic and talented.
Right now, Chloe is my pick to win the competition.
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