Dear Laura,
I must first thank Chloe Dao and Emmett McCarthy for turning me on to your incredible blog. Second, I must thank you and your collaborators for taking on such an ambitious enterprise. Your blog is beautifully designed and structured, and the content is brilliantly written and utterly hilarious! As I write this, I'm still wiping away tears from laughing so hard.
Many thanks for watching the show and for turning your viewing into a new dimension of Project Runway entertainment. Bravo!
Warmest regards,
I think I'm going to cry!
me too!
Yet another reason to love Tim Gunn. I wonder if he realizes how many fans he has because of this show?
This is equivalent to a runway win! Here's a Timpression, (you need to put yourself in Santino's voice): "Laura, you are the ne plus ultra of bloggers."
We love our Tim Gunn!!
Wow!!! I think an e-mail from Tim Gunn would make my life perfect!
Yah! Laura!
Incredible that you heard from Tim. You should be very proud of this site,
Now, how do we get Daniel to make a visit?
Jan, where is your heart?
This just exacerbated my enormous crush on Tim. A class act.
Hi Tim!
Laura, this is so cool! Congrats!
I STILL can't figure out this heart thing!!! :(
And yes, Dan MUST be busy at the moment-I'm being selfish wanting more from him at the moment.
quelle surprise! an email from tim gunn? laura, you must have been so excited!
Oh. My. God.
If I got a note from Tim Gunn I would be apoplectic (sp?) on the floor and would not be able to blog for DAYS. Literally DAYS.
OK. I'm breathing now.
But doesn't it just show what a gentleman he is? What a sweetheart? Why can't my boss be Tim Gunn?
I'm thrilled! You made Tim cry! From laughter!
Tim, you are my idol.
Je vous accuse... of being awesome!
has everyone forgot how cruel he was in talking about Rachael - I haven't
thats utterly super cool.
anonymous, my take on Tim acting out toward Rachel had a lot to do with him soothing Nick's issue during the trip to Mood.
Granted, it came across nasty and mean, but I don't think it was an opinion that Tim neccessarily hold to be true. Saying a white lie to help another person through an issue happens all the time. This one just happened to be on national TV.
And frankly, Rachel had yet to prove herself until she became Nick's model. I didn't think she could walk for anything, and am aware now that it has a lot to do with her relationship with whichever designer she is modeling for.
Good for her for proving everyone (including me) wrong!
How can we be sure it wasn't Santino, just imitating Tim in email form?J/K
That was a great message. This blog really helps me get through the long wait in between episodes.
Laura, your the top gun girl!!! A personal email from Tim. Talk about FAB!!
This is so cool!!
This and the email from Dan V. just shows what an impact Laura's blog is making. Wow!
HOW could I have missed THIS??? Oh my goodness, an email from Tim "make it work" Gunn?? Sizzlin'! ** I also see you got a note from Danny V? Laura K is Miss Thang. *muah*
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