Palpable - adj.
1: Capable of being handled, touched, or felt; tangible:
2: Easily perceived; obvious:
"It was palpable at Mood that this was a very different experience for them."
et al - adv
1: and others: used as an abbreviation of `et alii' (masculine plural) or `et aliae' (feminine plural) or `et alia' (neutral plural) when referring to a number of people
2: used as an abbreviation of `et alibi' when referring to other occurrences in a text [syn: et al., and elsewhere]
"Once again he survives. His bigger-than-life personality et al...."
Penultimate - adj.
1. Next to last.
2. Linguistics. Of or relating to the penult of a word: penultimate stress.
"Emmett has been a penultimate statesman through the entire show."
HUH? Tim, did you mean "ultimate?" Did Professor Gunn make a mistake? Hmmmmmm....
Oops...but "penultimate" sounds classier, doesn't it? :)
From the Oxford American Thesarus
Penultimate (= next-to-last) is sometimes misused for ultimate or quintessential —e.g.: “As our cover story points out, data warehouses have been sold by many vendors as the penultimate [read quintessential ] business solution.” ( ComputerWorld; Apr. 1, 1996.)
I think quintessential is more "Tim Gunn-Speak" than ultimate. I think I'll stick w/that in my mind.
Silly, Tim Gunn doesn't make mistakes!
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