and prints....

During my search I ran across this photo.... this doesn't exactly look like Nicky Hilton does it?

The dress is definitely from her "Chick" collection. Then I had a closer look at the sweater.... Is that the same sweater that I see in the commercial for the next episode of Project Runway? Sure it's buttoned up in the shot and her face is blurred, but I think it could be the same sweater. Is this part of the "Chick" line? Yes it is....

So, after considerable research I think the "socialite" might be Nicky Hilton. She has the right background and interests. I can imagine she would be a big fan of Project Runway. So....which designers are good at bright colors? Which designers do more "couture?" We can assume that Nicky Hilton is accustomed to wearing high-end designer gowns. It will take quality to impress her. Hmmmmm... Nick would be a safe bet... How about Andre? Definitely not Marla - not skilled enough. Not Emmett - not hip enough. Not Lupe - she's better at re-working casual wear. Not Kara - "Trust The Manolo your fashion inspiration it should never be the Oliver Twist."
So who is left? Zulema? Santino? Danny V? Diana? Chloe?
What do you think?
Zulema doesn't have the draping skill, and if you are trying to impress a socialite you need to show her that the design will look good on her. If it barely fits the model right, it's not going to flatter the socialite either.
At least, that's what I think.
The one good thing that Zulema made is the beautiful print dress that she wears in the promos. What's nice about it? The print. The fabric. The dress itself is pretty simple. I know she has talent though - she has been working as a costume designer in NYC. Maybe she'll finally show us what she can do. We'll see.....
I think that Zulema is going to win it, because in the previews at the beginning of the season, it has her making two models do a walk-off. This means that she has to win at some point, and I don't see her making it a whole lot further then halfway, so I'm saying that she has to win soon.
Plus, I think that she has the right sort of vision to pull of the right look for Nicky Hilton. I also feel like it's too early to have repeat winners. This season has more designers with serious talent and vision, while last season only had 4 or 5.
On the flip side, what katie said could be true, but aside from being a socialite, Hilton is a designer herself (sort of) and will understand fit and cut better than most.
Only time will tell...
The early buzz has Choe getting the boot tonight. I sure hope not!
nickie hilton also went to school at parsons. so that might also add to the reason she is the socialite
Very good call!
1) Did Nicky get any sort of degree from Parsons. Or did she just take some classes and have a design company anyway?
2) Yes, she wore that sweater, and it looked cheap and hideous.
Good call about the sweater!! I cannot believe it was Nicky Hilton on the show but I am glad it was not her sister but then again I would have loved to see what they would have designed for her.
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