Do you wish you could have been at the Banana Republic store to vote on the window displays? Well, here's your chance...sort of....
Karen Garrett of Project Outcast, has completed her "Window Shopping" design. Click on the link above to read about her challenge and view the results. Then enter "in" or "out" in the comment section here. Remember, she is "in" if you believe her design beats the Marla/Diana ensemble. Otherwise she is "out." We'll tally up the responses and send them to her at 6:00 next Wednesday night.
I'll vote "in" using the criteria that it must be better than Diane and Marla's dress. I like it, although the jacket looks a tad too wintery for a sleeveless dress. I'm also not sure about the extent to which it fits in with other Banana Republic designs. I could see it selling elsewhere, though. Were the two pieces sold separately, I'd buy the jacket and not the dress.
I don't really like it-it's a little "matronly" to quote michael kors.
doesn't anyone else think that this project outcast woman is a little sad?? Who has that kind of time on their hands? PLUS she's not very good. It makes me sad.
The jacket does not drape well and the color/pattern/fabric is way out of step with what Banana is doing for spring. The two pieces just don't go together and it looks more like a department store house brand than a hip Banana design. I vote out. I also think it is sad that this woman can't let it go.
ooohh...sorry but out..bring back diana/marla...and the ensemble sorta reminds me of ramundo's disaster in the whole barbie thing...so..maybe that's a wierd compliment if you liked ramundo's design..
anyway..I kinda agree with the 2 previous posters that whoever is doing "outcast" has a bit too much free time and needs to move on!
that is just ugly.
I'm sorry but its not Banana at all. The jacket looks poorly sewn together and the dress is not flattering in the slightest. D and M's dress was not appropriate for Banana Republic either but at least it matched and made a complete well put together ensemble. Horrid.
I vote out.
That is one fugly dress, and she topped it with an even fuglier jacket.
She is out. Way out, farther than Santino's 'Springtime for Hitler' lingerie out.
Looking at her past creations, I think she would have been "out" prior to this challenge. Her Barbie creation is freaking SCARY!
Why don't we see a full on view of the window? It looks like she's hung burlap bags from the ceiling? What's up with that?
She's out!
I agree with what most have said...out!
Her work, while relatively detailed, looks poorly done and in my opinion, ugly.
I think that, while sad, it's still an interesting concept. I just particularly don't care for any piece she has made thus far...
OMG. That's just HIDEOUS. If she's doing this weekly series to attract attention, she's certainly doing that, but it's because there is a roadkill element to all this and you just CANNOT. LOOK. AWAY.
I agree with Elvira that the Jacket is better than the dress. I understand that we was doing a Fall/Winter instead of Spring due to fabric constraints, but the DRESS??? For Work??? And you wouldn't wear that heavy a jacket all day at work, it's OUTERWEAR, not a shrug.
At least the D/M outfit would have been appropriate for work or evening, even though it was not the most beautiful thing.
definately out. at first glance it looks as if the bust of the dress is not there it's so close to the model's skin color.
Auf Wiedersehen (and no kiss).
But, I really like the jacket and its 1910s style.
Out out out
I feel bad, because I think it's cool that she is doing this, but... I can definately tell why she didn't make the actual show. This outfit is out. It isn't elegant or classy in any way... it is interesting, and maybe with a few modifications it could be kind of anthropologie-ish, but D and M would have beat this.
Ick. Part of me thinks an out vote has more to do with my emotional attachment to Diana and Marla. If I knew her better would I feel different about this ensemble?
Uh, no.
I have to give her credit for going to all the trouble, but she is OUT. MK would have torn her to shreds for this.
Out. It is too 'tableclothy.'
I respect her immensely, but...
No. I'm just not liking the silhouette made by the dress, and I find the jacket a little bulky to be wearing around the office.
The people here saying she has too much time on her hands can STFU, though. Didn't you ever think it might be FUN for her to do this? Good grief.
Not voting but here's a relevant comment:
When photographing store windows, PLEASE do it after dark and sans flash, whenever possible.
It's almost the only way to get a viewable photo that replicates the actual display.
Thanks much.
The dress makes the model look pregnant. It needs to fit the body more. And that fabric is not that pretty.
The jacket look like a winter coat.
I admire her for doing this. I wish I can sew!
I'll go with...yeah...I'm going to have to go with Out.
I really love the jacket, but the entire dress doesn't have a Day/Night quality. It's just someone wearing a jacket over a dress.
On a side note, I absolutely love her lingerie entry. It's original, pretty and fun.
Well, as the only "in" vote thus far, I'm sticking with it. I thought Diane and Marla's outfit was the kind of thing Hollywood would design for a stereotypical old spinster librarian. In other words, I hated it. It was beyond matronly. I hated to see Diane go because she's a sweetheart with a lot of potential, but I hated the outfit more.
I collect jackets the way some women collect shoes, and that's probably the positive from this designer. I also hope this woman is having fun with the designing aspect of this exercise, because that's really the only reason to do something like this.
OUT. Ugly coat and ridiculous dress sewn together from leftover fabric do not make fashion, let alone forward fashion.
Like dreamgurl, I'd actually wear D/M's outfit. I liked it. So for me, the inappropriate fabric, the poor construction, the bad fit, and the failure to design for the client, are all besides the point. She is out.
O.U.T. i couldn't make it clearer if i were an ump at the world series. diana/marla design may have been "boring" and i have my opinions on that, but at least it wasn't displeasing to the eye.
I think the Project has been interesting and I have liked several of the things she has done. (The links to past weeks, though, don't seem to be working now, so I can't give examples.
I don't like this week's garments at all. I don't like the dress much. I dislike the coat. I don't like them together at all and I think they don't even belong in the same season. So, again, overall I have to say OUT.
If we are talking about being better than Diane/Marla's dress, then "in" for sure.
She's out. Way out. The outfit is outright horried and far worse than Diana/Marla's ever could be.
Out. This looks like little more than a flea market find, not a BR dress, and certainly not a piece for work.
OUT!! Totally not Banana republic at all or any retail clothing chain for that matter. Looks like a peasant costume from a low budget oliver twist production.
I would fill the page with "outs" if it wouldn't be hella anooying.
Out. Absolutely.
The dress was ugly, the jacket simply bizarre. Neither were at all Banana Republic. It worked for neither day nor evening. And the whole decision to design for fall made little sense to me - I have no doubt that she could have found better suited fabrics at this time at any fabric store in the area. So on top of everything else she didn't even do the challenge. I thought her out before, but this definitely seals it.
When I was a kid, my grandma used to make me nighgowns out of pillow cases. She'd add a ruffle to the bottom, some straps, and I was happy. And they fit me exactly the way that dress fits the model. It's bad. If she thinks it fits in with BR's clothing I'd have to question whether she's ever been in their store. Marla and Diana's outfit was drab, Nick and Santino's was inappropriate, but hers is both and ugly as heck to boot. OUT.
Though, I was have auf'ed her much sooner, for the Barbie outfit. That was all wrong.
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