I admit that I have never ordered anything from the Project Runway site. I have never bid on any of the auctions. I haven't ordered anything from Cafe Press either, although I truly admire this very smart company. But...
...I just ordered a hoodie with the chiffon quote. I couldn't resist. Thanks to the anonymous commenter who tipped me off.

Don't you love this "Dirty Diana" pin? She made this up "just kidding" but I think
it's great. Let's write to Diana and ask her to make them for real.
I kind of want one now...
I think one that says "Lighten up, it's just fashion" would be money as well...
This one might be cuter w/ the form thingy...I'm seriously pondering a purchase...
Here's one that says "Lighten up, it's just fashion"
More Runway inspired Cafepress designs.
Lighten up, it's just fashion
But I'm a menswear designer
and a general cafepress search for runway
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