I suppose that Tim must have forwarded a link to BPR to Daniel Vosovic because I received this note from him tonight!
Dear Laura,
I've heard through the grapevine that you've been hard pressed to find any information about me, is this true my dear? Are the 12 dedicated "Dan-Fan's" pounding at your door asking for more becoming unbearable - Haha! I was sent your website and must admit that I am very impressed with the way your run your tight ship of a blog - sharp and spotless clean with NO potty talk! (Sorry for the sailor mouth in some of the episodes - I just get so worked up sometimes!)
Anyways, I wanted to drop you a line to let you know that I am very much alive and doing well. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to ask any questions - though why people find me "fascinating" or "hot" is beyond me; A mid-westerner whose pasty-white, gangly and skinny with shaggy hair and a big nose - if THOSE don't say requirements for the next poster boy than I don't know what does!
Nevertheless, I'm here if you need me.
Daniel Vosovic xx
No, I'm not giving out his e-mail address. : )
OMGoodness!!! what a great thing to wake up to!! I am so happy he surfaced! He's so cute. Daniel it's the mistery that your life is to your fans that makes you adorable.
I hope you win babe!
And now you've done it again Laura! Congratulations!!!
Dan, in case you haven't figured it out yet, the sexiest thing out there is a man with a heart!!
That's brilliant-he's brilliant.
Laura--I'm so excited that you heard from him! He's so modest-but it has to be wierd having all these fans (strangers) wanting to know him better.
Now, about that email address....
Oh, and Daniel...
I've always had a thing for tall, thin, fair-skinned, shaggy-haired, tattooed boys with lots of creativity! You're beautiful!
I have never seen another reality show where all the participants were so warm and open to putting themselves out there!
It really is quit lovely.
Though I love good old cruel sarcasm as much as the next, it is so refreshing to read a blog that isn't condescending or demoralizing. I think that is why so many of the designers have become involved with it. -- That, and the amount of attention you have put into this.
Kudos to you!
that's effing amazing. I'm so jealous
Oh, he's so great. I knew I'd like him as soon as I saw him "snap-dancing" in the opening credits!!
Tell him to make a website!
I must admit that I have become fully smitten with Daniel. A talented, down to earth guy with a sense of humor about himself can do that to me.
Oh Goodness.
Haha..I bet he is just floored by all these damn fan girls!
Personally, I just want to know his music taste, cause damn it, I be it is perfect.
And I want to buy a damn girl version of that studpendous white blaser he is always wearing!
(so sweet of a guy. Hmmm.)
This is the sweetest letter...the contestants this year are so nice!!
I didn't think it was possible, but his note makes him even more adorable. He's the kind of guy that I would love to lunch with then go on a mad shopping spree. A sense of humor coupled with a heart is a powerfully compelling combination. Kisses to the darling Daniel V.!
Even more exciting than a Tim Gunn email! I ditto the other Dan Fans when saying that he needs a site of his own.
What would we do without BPR? How else would I feel so connected to my favorite show? Thanks Laura!
It's so lovely to see a reality show contestant who is drama-free, genuinely sweet and nurturing to others. Daniel makes a great role model for young people! His sly wit and designing talent also keep me rooting for him.
Go Daniel! We know you can do it!
*ohmygosh* What a great post to wake up to!
I have to give mad props to both Daniel (for finally posting up and giving us Dan Fans something to fawn over) and to Laura (for your fantabulous blog that attracts the attention of the talent on this great show!)
Many thanks. :-)
He's got his share of fan boys too.
I guess we can't know more about what the heck he's been doing with himself until after Fashion Week- oh how I hope that's why he's been so scarce!
haha...creativity and humility, he's awesome. He's got my support!!
I stumbled upon BPR yesterday (thank you Google!) and read every word right away. I appreciate what you're doing and that you've created a respectable destination. Keep it up!
Okay, this is starting to get flat out embarrasing. We're starting to act like a bunch of schoolgirls, and boys.
Sure, he's cool, hip, talented, mature beyond his years, has great hair, attitude, poise, vision, style, carries a certain edge with his tatoos, wins us over with his quiet demeanor and is just a complete full-blown stud.
But, come on....
lmao tbone!
Well said;)
Daniel V. started to win me over during the Hilton challenge when he didn't lose his ish over the fabric. Calm under pressure is hard to achieve and I respect anyone who can do it, and well.
I have such a crush on him. He's just SO CUTE!! :D
Would it be completely inappropriate if I took a moment to swoon? I know it's so Bronte of me...
awwww what a humble guy.
hey if you plan on emailing him again, with questions from your adoring blogger readers, would you mind asking him if he's a fan of Star Wars?
The reason I ask is that we have a some fun swag here at Lucasfilm for him if he'd like it, but I'm not sure how to get a hold of his publicist... if he even has one.
Thanks in advance...
That was so sweet of him to contact you. Now I really know how many girls want to marry him and are insanely jealous of you :)
He sounds just as great as he is presented on the show, Laura thanks for sharing it with us.
Ah, cute Daniel. I was saddened to learn we were not meant to be... haha. Fantastic designer, seems like such a sweet guy - I wish him nothing but the best. :)
hey dan,
it's gavin from back home (michigan). keep up the good work buddy your doing great! keep me updated with your monthly e-mails and let me know how your doing!
take care.
and yes dan fans, dan is probably the nicest person i've ever met. (him and jordan)
hey Daniel i just wanted to let u kno im really rootin for you!!!!!! I cant wait to purchase from your awesome winning close-line!!!
Awesome! I am so tired of googling every morsel of Daniel V that is out there. Thanks for bringing us the adorable man behind the fashion. He rawks. And his walk down the runway last week was great...nice work.
Oh my goodness, what a sweetie! I love Daniel Vosovic...he is so talented and seems genuinely nice. I watched the marathon yesterday, even though I had seen some of the episodes a million timees, and took note of all of Daniel's designs. Its so exciting when he is on screen in the earlier episodes because he got next to no camera time! I wish Dan had a blog like Nick or Santino...but what can you do. I hope he wins! Well regardless, best of luck to Daniel Vosovic!
caitlin <333
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