I loved this episode. With fewer and fewer contestants, the individual designers' personalities are really able to shine through.
At last we saw a little more of Zulema. The first episode showed her in a certain way, and until this week, the editors have not shown us anything to change this initial impression. This challenge showed us that she has a real maturity, a certain "grace under pressure" and the intelligence to realize that what Tim says matters! Welcome to the show, Zulema.
I think Kara is taking diet pills or something, though. Her behavior is just unnatural. If you look at her audition video she is relaxed and cheerful and friendly - not so much on the show....
Emmett's window art was fabulous. He is truly talented. Who knew? This is the first time his ability has really shone through. Welcome to Project Runway, Emmett. How cute was little Chloe standing between Emmett and Santino on the Runway?
Okay - I LOVE Grace! She handled that reversible jacket like a real professional. Which, of course, she IS. I loved this outfit and everything about the display. I would think that this outfit came in second.
Daniel and Andre are just adorable. They seem to genuinely like each other and work well together. I think I've seen that dress before though. I think it was something that Alexandra did last season, but I'm not sure. It was lighter - like a silver color or something. Anyone know what I mean? Maybe it's my imagination. Meanwhile, how cute was Daniel kissing Kara on the cheek. I love Daniel and Andre. Congratulations gentlemen!
Congratulations also to Rachel and Arty who picked this team as the winner from the start. I didn't get any points this week that's for sure!
Didn't Diana look adorable in her gray pleated skirt? I loved her attitude in the exit interview too. She sees this as a great learning opportunity. She is still determined to make this her career and she has a ton of fans. Go Diana! Even Marla admits to benefitting from this experience. I doubt she ever expected to win here, but she will take all that she has learned back to her boutique and certainly be a better and more creative designer. We hope....
Of course Nick and Santino were the team to watch. I believe that Nick is everyone's favorite and Santino is the most outrageous. We knew to expect some fun from this team. At the end when the judges were reviewing who had the most votes from the public and who had the least - when they showed Michael Kors' face I had the definite impression that this team was the lowest vote-getter.
It's amazing that even Santino admitted that he didn't see one card with a vote for his window. Not even one. Actually it didn't look like there were many votes in those boxes at all. It was almost like the producers deliberately didn't show the boxes so that we wouldn't realize how few votes there were. Also, these were NOT Banana Republic customers who were voting. They were just passers-by. Maybe one of the ballot boxes was inside the store but at least one was outside.
You can bet that Nick saved Santino. If Santino were paired up with anyone else, this design would have been "out." It was not aesthetically pleasing. In case you weren't keeping track, Santino has now insulted TWO of the judges. Way to go Santino.
On a lighter note, I thought Santino was adorable when he was singing to Andrae. "Lighten up, it's just fashion!" I think this quote has just gained new status - Right up there with "Where the HELL is my chiffon?" and "Don't defend the shoe to me."
Ummmmm.... I think Heidi spent a little extra time in the make-up room this week.
The only disappointment here was that there were only five outfits. I want more!
Good memory. Here it is --
I'll be interested to hear the podcast this week because Tim's comments are what led Diane to re-think her skirt. In hindsight, maybe her first skirt would have been more interesting. Who knows?
Where do I begin??...lol
Firstly...so glad Marla is gone! Her lack of creativity each week had me pissed. It also annoyed me that her and Diana are so meek when it comes to defending their designs (throughout the competition, not just last night). If you have a vision and this is a piece of art you've made...back it up! That and their design was boring and their window sucked.
I'm kind of sad that Emmett is doomed next week. I've said before that for some reason, I REALLY want to like him, but he's so blah...except for his art skills that is. AMAZING...the window came out fierce!
Zulema and Kara's window was great too. It really completed the look of the dress. And I think I'm the only person that actually thought the vest was really good looking w/ the dress. Zulema totally saved them, but her talking to Kara like a child the whole time greated on my nerves. She got it done though.
Santino cracked me up with his little song to Andrae. Do I detect flirtation?
Nick should have jumped on Chloe when he had the opportunity...although Emmett and Santino on a two-person team would have been disaster!
Andrae and Daniel V were flawless together, and I think DV is quietly becoming my new fave. He's a smidge below Uncle Nick right now...can I have two favorites??
If looks could kill, Michael Kors would be in jail for hacking Santino into itsy bitsy pieces. The words "Oh no he didn't" (complete with a silent second d) came out of my mouth...lol
So the walk-off clearly comes the week after next...can't wait to see that bitch fest!
And lastly...Andrae's pure excitement over getting to do a window display had me CRACKING up! He looked like a Miss America who had just won her crown. Loves it!
Okay. Let it be said that I love Andre and DV. More on the DV scale..but they are such a good team together.
And how I wish I was Kara when Daniel kissed her cheek.
And I felt bad for Andre when Santino poked him in the butt during the song. Clearly, Andre does not want the attention.
Goodbye Diana, I was sad to see you go. But I felt the kiss of doom, I did.
And pooor poor Nick. Looking everywhre BUT Santino. And still ended up with Santino. And thank you, Nick, for keeping the wiggidy wack away.
During the lingerie challenge, I heard that Santino's argument with Nina lasted 90 minutes! I wonder how long he spent defending his design to Michael Kors!
Wow - great episode!
I just want to say right now that the posters on this blog are so much more intelligent and on spot with their speculation than the Bravo board. Folks, if you want insight, stay right here.
First, the models - I think Rebecca is rocking the runway with DV's designs. But I still can't figure out how we are going to get that "Final 7" after last night.
I am perplexed by Tim's comments on the podcast concerning Zu/Kara's window diplay. I thought it looked great! And yes, maybe Zu was a little hard on Kara, but you know what, she did what she had to do to pull the team through. Welcome to the show, indeed.
Daniel/Andrae - perfect complements to each other, in retrospect they were an easy choice for the win.
Nick/Santino - I know there is a lot of anti-Santino sentiment out there right now, but you have to admit, he is entertaining. His exchange with Michael Kors was priceless.
Chloe/Emmett - Emmett's best work so far. I think this says more about Chloe, though. His snatching her away from Nick during the pairing was brilliant. Pretty clear he's gone next week.
Diana/Marla - I said this last week, it was going to be nearly impossible for this team to survive, no matter what the challenge. Will miss Diana. Marla was well past due to leave.
Have you seen the preview video for Episode 7? Hilarious!
Hey tbone, next week I'll set up a separate post for your blow-by-blow. Please feel free to give as much detail as you can. All of us west-coast folks who want to know earlier can tune in for your entries. Are you game?
Oh, also, thank you irene done. I had a look at that dress and honestly I think Alexandra's was better and more interesting than Daniel and Andrae's. Actually ALL of the designs were better and there were more of them. In my humble opinion, last year's Banana Republic episode was just altogether better. Did we really need the window display business? Doesn't BR have professionals to do this? Okay, before I go off on a rant I think I'll save this for another post tomorrw....
I'm so sorry that Emmett will be going (next week?); no one pays any attention to him because he flies under the radar - no drama, always finishing in time. But, for all the talk of him not being able to sew or make patterns, I only see beautiful, perfectly finished outfits from him. He's never had a dud and everything he has designed has been in the top three each week in my opinion. I really thought he would make the final three.
I've said Marla has had to go from the first week. Everything she has designed has been hideous. Finally she is gone. Too bad Diana had to go too; her designs were interesting but she had to go sooner or later. She is the only one who considered changing the skirt for evening instead of the jacket. It wouldn't have worked for Banana but it would have been more interesting. Too bad she wasn't allowed to try it since she lost anyway.
I loved Kara and Zulema's window; I can't believe Tim hated it. The clocks were a good idea but how were you supposed to know one was morning and one was night? It just looked like two clocks to me.
Everyone here seems to think Santino is going to the final three. I don't think he will. I think he will go the way of Austin Scarlet: he is very talented but he doesn't pay any attention to the actual challenge and just designed whatever he wants. He'll be out soon.
I am so glad that Emmett had a chance to show what he can do. He's my pick for the final. His website says he's opening a new store. Perhaps that's what $100,000 can do for you!? His website also doesn't show any of his work. Perhaps that's what a confidentiality clause (until after the final) does for you too!
Completely agree that Santino will not make the final cut. It could just be that he's terrible at group challenges but can he win when he has to do something different - i.e. other than his now signature flirty dress? Still an unanswered question I think.
My (current) pick for final three is - Daniel, Chloe and Nick.
aj, i second having two favorites. daniel is right up there with nick, mostly because of his attitude.
i loved andrae's reaction when they heard about the window design. he is too cute. i'm glad that he hasn't had any more televised breakdowns since the first show.
wow, santino & nick's window design was horrible. awful. how did they think it could possibly be acceptable?
what was up with the bright red lips on heidi last night?
Am I the only one that really liked Santino and Nick's design? I didn't mention it before, but I thought that the kimono sleeves on the jacket were beautiful. The shirt under was nothing special, but I thought the suiting part was really lovely.
I think I need to admit my tiny crush on Daniel V. On top of being a fabulous designer and my new fave (along w/ Uncle Nick of course) he's not bad to look at...lol
I know that there are a lot of Santino haters out there, but I'm not one of them. I think that he has great vision as a designer. His tendancy toward trimmings are holding him back, along with his inability to take criticism. This competition has portrayed him as difficult to work with, flamboyant and hard to please...but I have to ask, what professional designers aren't these things? He was a favorite at the beginning and while I don't think he's out anytime soon, I don't think he'll make it to the final 3.
Real quick note. The flirting I mentioned earlier between Santino and Andrae... http://www.bravotv.com/Project_Runway_2/Episodes/Episode_3/Videos/bonus_5_ep3.shtml
HELLO?!...lol I think it's cute, although I'm at work and couldn't heard what they said...
Laurie I agree w/ your final three...Nick, Chloe and Daniel V.
And a more in-depth play-by-play by tbone would be great! I would have no problem contributing if possible;) There's always SO much to say!
misterminm, I couldn't have said it better myself! Although mine would have been like 15 paragraphs long...lol
My friend and I have a new theory about Santino... he's Austin Pepper - a cross between Austin & Wendy. Clearly, he's the most despised of all the designers (like Wendy) but he's also a talented designer stuck in his over-the-top ways (like Austin). Since he's the Wendy, he'll most likely be in the top 3. Because seriously, why else was Wendy there (top 3) except for the drama factor?
My dream top 3 would also be Nick, Chloe & Daniel... but I think Daniel will be the final cut (from 4) that breaks everyone's heart.
Laura - sounds great! Live-posting the episode last night was challenging, but fun. And I would love to have others chime in as well. I'll send you an e-mail with some ideas.
I thought Santino was downright creepy when he was braying away to Andrae. It didn't seem flirtatious to me, it seemed like harrasment. Blech.
Austin Pepper - Perfect. Like Austin, Santino has already shown himself to be the "star" of the show. Like Wendy he is the "one you love to hate." : )
I agree that the kimono-style jacket was beautiful but I also agree with the judges that it wouldn't sell at Banana Republic.
My thoughts...
How did they choose whose model wouold be used this week? I missed a few minutes of the show but I don't think they showed that did they? I like Rebecca a lot but i love Andrae's model so I'm not sure how they chose between the two.
I noticed Chloe always has great comments about her designs doesn't she? Kind of the anti-Marla. haha So glad she is gone. I was really irritated that she kept kind of blaming Diana for things without even offering up any ideas of her own.
Tim's podcast stopped mid-sentence for me by the way! It was 10 minutes 24 seconds. I've never had that happen before. Anyone else?
I always got the impression that Wendy was the sacrificial lamb in the final four, and then everyone screwed up on the Nancy ODell dress and Wendy won it.
Kara Saun was an obvious shoe-in for final three and Jay was the dark horse. I think it was apparant that Austin would have been a more interesting choice for fashion week then Wendy, but that they couldn't spare Kara or Jay to elimination.
I had *such* a different reaction to Singing Santino. If he'd done that to me before my morning coffee, I would have punched him in the face! It was funny, but man, I've lost all patience for that guy.
I was really pleased to see Emmett & Chloe pair up. Coming from menswear, you can see that his craftsmanship is top notch, and Chloe has an elegant design sensibility that combines well with his. DV and Andre were equally wonderful (and drama free) as expected.
I cringed when Diana paired up with Marla. I like Diana's whole aesthetic concept, but it seems like it needs some time to actually mature into a genuine sense of style. Marla's total lack of orginality and courage was only going to stifle what's authentic about Diana's design and result in a mediocre product. Bingo... exactly what happened. Plus Marla deserved to be out after last week!
And poor, poor Nick. Ugh. What was Santino thinking, insulting Michael Kors like that? Sweet talking was what won him the Nicky Hilton contest, maybe he should realize that venom doesn't serve his purposes.
Okay, "Austin Pepper" is the "Where the HELL is my chiffon" of this series of comments.
Eric3000 said he agreed with the judges about the kimono jacket not selling at BR - but there is a post on the Santino website that shows a kimono dress which is in the BR holiday collection - sure looks a lot like the Santino/Nick design - funny - since the BR challenge was probably taped in July
I did love this challange and thought that the deserving team won and lost. It was time for Marla and Diane to go.
I am going to refrain from stating my summary because there are already so many great ones posted on here. My only question is:
Am I the only person who is anti-grace???? I hate the fact that Chloe has her as a model because she is too thin and does nothing for her outfits. This week was not too bad, but whenever there is anything low cut, there are bones everywhere. Yes she is professional, and walks well, but for me spine and breast bone outweigh that. She needs to go.
Santino singing saved him for me.
I still REALLY dislike him, and don't particularly care for his design perspective ...
But the singing ... that was something I would do. I love to annoy people and make them uncomfortable -- and the fact for once that he KNEW he was doing it, instead of cluelessly ego-baiting, provided the first endearing insight into his character.
Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't Michael Kors tell Andrae to "lighten up, it's just fashion" when Andrae opted not to use the Barbie blonde wig on his model?
Yes, Michael Kors originated the "Lighten up, it's just fashion" remark. Nina chimed in. Santino was clearly teasing Andrae - I thought it was cute. Andrae seemed pretty good-natured about it. Living with Santino has GOT to be stressful. I think Santino is realizing that Nick isn't his BFF any more and he is moving on to Andrae. Of course, Andrae has already been spoken for...
Oooh! I wanna see a bitch fight between Daniel V and Santino for Andrae's affections...lol
I personally think that Santino has a crush;)
Nicely said about Zulema, maybe we are seeing the real her. Check out her myspace photos of her modeling career and her quotes/ under view more pics. What a talented woman!
Laura.s recent (7:10AM) comment is adorable.
I am not as much a Santino-hater as some on the forums. He was an absolute RIOT serenading Andrae, and Andrae totally loved it!!!
Moreover I predict that if Zuleema "steals" Nick's model two episodes from now, she will definitely become the new ***STAR*** in the luv2hatethem sweepstakes.
Andrae, flying in under the radar. has silently become the new charmer at PR. Bravo, dude.
i meant to come back and thank you for posting that photo. i fig'd marla was out but hadn't a clue who would win. i worked it thru in your comments. i finally got the winner right!
I just lifted this comment from TwoP - so true! "Heh. I knew Santino's outfit reminded me of something and this helped me remember it- the jacket looks like those smocks I have to wear when I go to the hairdresser. They do not exactly make me feel glamorous."
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