Hi Tim,
Thanks again for your e-mail. You've given my blog a lot of credibility.
I have a concern for you. It's kind of hard to articulate, so please bear with me.
There are some things revealed in your podcasts that we would not otherwise know about. The first one was that Santino argued with the judges for 90 minutes after the lingerie episode. Another was that you pleaded with Marla not to take the Nicky Hilton dossier into Mood. Another was that you told Santino that he was choosing the exact fabric that Austin used for the Grammy challenge.
(By the way, I posted elsewhere that I'm sure Santino was thinking "I - the Great Santino, will REDEEM the ombre chiffon!")
Anyway, since these revelations in the podcasts completely flavor the listener's peceptions of the various designers, it would be nice if we had SOME sort of verification in the show.
It would have been nice to show, for instance, Santino standing before the judges - and then a brief glimpse of the clock - Santino, still arguing - another glimpse of the clock.... Or a clip of you asking Marla not to bring the dossier, a clip of Marla slipping it into her purse...
A clip of you discussing the "Austin fabric" with Santino would have been great - because of course, on the runway, Santino behaves as if he is surprised to learn that he has used the same fabric. Now wait? Is Santino dishonest? No way!
Marla says in an interview that she doesn't recall you insisting that she leave the dossier behind.
Now I know that it is impossible for the cameras to capture every single thing that goes on. I realize that a lot of editing has to be done in order to create a one-hour show. But it would be nice, if you are going to present something really surprising in your blog or podcast, if there was a little hint of it in the show.
Yes, it's too late to go in and change things now. Also, my readers are not the average typical viewers. We are pretty much obsessed with every detail.
So it's interesting to see how much our perceptions are changed after listening to the podcast. It's almost as if - the program presents things one way - (that Santino didn't know about the fabric) and the podcast presents it completely differently (that he did.) I wish there was a little more congruity.
Anyway, It would be wonderful to see some of these scenes as "bonus footage" in the DVD of Season Two. I have readers who are very very curious about the 90-minute argument. : )
Take care, Tim. Thanks for listening.
Laura Kluvo
Hi Laura,
I am sincerely appreciative to you for your thoughts. Furthermore, I understand precisely what you mean. My conflict is the following: my podcasts are intended to reveal some of the content that is missing from the show. Santino's 90-minute diatribe, Marla and the dossier, and Santino at MOOD are all on camera. However, those scenes were edited, as were dozens and dozens of others. I could babble on for an hour or more about what's not seen in a single show. There is so much material for each and every show, that the editing process is incredibly
daunting. The producers make calculated decisions about what's in and what's out.
I have no interest in making up scenarios. If viewers feel a need for corroboration of what I've said, then I'm at a loss for how to respond. As you suggest, perhaps the out-takes on the season two DVD will reveal some of this. I haven't seen the "surprise" footage that will be used during the Reunion Show, but these matters may be among them. too.
I'm reminded of some runway dialogue in the "Inspiration" episode. It was Kara. Michael Kors and Heidi, too, I believe, make reference to Kara's 45-minute explanation. However, we don't hear it on the show(thankfully!). I believe that if the show revealed Santino's 90-minute diatribe, or even made mere reference to it, the audience would have freaked even more severely, which would beg the question, "Why is he still here?" I know that that question is out there anyway, but it would be much more pronounced. Marla? Who knows. She seems to live in
Denial Land. My conversation with Santino about Austin's fabric? I believe that the producers wanted that connection to be made by Jay, because he worked next to Austin on that challenge and Austin was voted OUT. Jay's remark had more impact that my own and it would have been diluted had we heard the earlier dialogue. This is just speculation on my part, since I have no role in editing the show, but it's carefully considered speculation.
Laura, please feel free to share my response. I have the greatest respect for you and your collaborators. And I have the greatest respect for your readers.
Sincere regards,
Tim XX
Thanks for posting Tim's reply. Wow! That is great he takes the time to answer your questions. By reading your blog, I get to "see" a side of Tim that does not come through on the show - or at least to me.
I am a huge fan of the show and your blog. The show brings back memories of my graduate experince while getting my master's degree in Graphic Design.
Good letter LK...I agree with Tim though about the impact of the things that happened (ie: Santino and the fabric). They would have been less shocking, or what have you. Even though we all knew it was the same material to begin with...
Hopefully we'll get some sneek peaks during the reunion show or when the DVD comes out...in the mean time, we should all just keep listening to Tim's podcast to keep us up to date w/ the behind the scenes dirt;)
Tim - we have the utmost respect for you as well. Your input to the designers and insight you provide for the viewers on the blog and podcasts are perhaps my favorite elements of PR. You bring credibility to this show that is sorely lacking in most "reality" television today.
I agree-babble on, Tim, babble on. See you don't understand-we ARE obsessed and would listen for hours!!
I love the idea of special scenes on the DVD, Laura. That's the kind of stuff that would make me buy it. I have another suggestion: They could have a special feature of Tim Gunn's commentary of each episode that would follow each scene that made it on the show. They could similarly do one with Michael Kors.
I guess the thing I like about Tim's podcast is it gives us more immediate insight into the stuff that was edited out prior to any DVD release. If we did see everything on screen, we wouldn't really need that podcast so much. And I have to say I love listening to Tim on many levels.
I think it is great that he responds so thoughtfully to your questions and is aware of the many fans that you serve.
Here is a link to my post about the extras in the season one DVD. http://bloggingprojectrunway.blogspot.com/2005/11/i-got-season-one-dvd-yesterday.html
Although they SAID that Kara had babbled on for 45 minutes, I did not realize they were being nearly literal!! What on earth could she have said about THAT dress that could take up more than 5 minutes? I thought Jay was just being obnoxious and sort of exaggerating "da da da da da", but I guess he was actually being NICE!
I'd like to be able to help with the live posting tonight, but I can't see the tv from my computer!!
Sabby, I believe it was Nina Garcia who confirmed the 90-minute tirade.
I agree with The Scarlett and Kickasphalt. The most compelling reason for me to listen to Tim's podcast is that it gives me the chance to gain new insight into the show by learning about happenings that didn't make it to the final TV edit.
It's also really fun to hear him speak frankly on his feelings about the different designers!
Wow - great post, Laura K, and great response from Tim! I don't have time to check out Tim's podcasts, and it's really nice to get those updates here (even if summarized). thanks!
I just read Tim's Take for Episode 9 and he actually addressed this issue there. I love that he is so straightforward. Perhaps if he needs a date for the Red Lobster....
"..rahbeccah...don't be SI-lly...you know that Awndrae is the only one for me...designers...designers...?"
Tim Gunn makes me want to quit my job and apply to Parsons.
(And I am a 34 year old attorney with zero talent for design or garment construction -- think: stapled hems.)
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