Last night with her efforts to help Chloe with the gluing - she totally won me over.
Of course, "nice" doesn't always make great television, but Kara - we've noticed!
Also, Emmett, Nick and Marla ALL mention that Kara is one whom they have kept in touch with. That speaks volumes. Anyone recall Kara ever saying anything unkind about anyone? Oh, yeah, snipping Daniel's "pippy" off... That was great. I think Daniel has been in touch with her too. He said in an interview that he had to "Get it back." : )
It's amazing that the designers at this point are all relatively "even." The winner one week could be out the next. (Like Zulema.) A strong show one week could be out the next. (Like Andrae.) And a weak design one week could be a contender the next (Like Kara.) After last week I think most of us thought she was doomed. But what a great and pleasant surprise this week.
Sorry, Daniel, but I liked Kara's dress a little better. Daniel doesn't need immunity either. I don't understand why Daniel wasn't called on leaving the ribbon straps and the top of his muslin uncovered. Poor Chloe was struggling to cover every inch of her fabric and Daniel's was just so obviously exposed - and HE WON. What were the rules exactly?
But I digress, because this post is about Kara.
Congratulations on a gorgeous dress, Kara. In my opinion, you deserved to win this one. But most of all, you can be proud of your character in this show. No matter what happens - you're a winner.

Well said Larua. I've always stated that I don't think Kara will make fashion week because, to me, her vision isn't as strong as other designers.
But you can't deny what a kind person she seems to be. She genuinely seems to be getting a great experience from this show and is always so supportive of her competition. Good for her for staying true to herself!
And on Tim's blog, he actually touches on the fact that the judges have little concept of all the rules of each challenge...hence that letter I sent you...lol
Clearly this was Kara's best showing and the timing couldn't have been better. She was spot on when she said last night that she knew she had to come up with her best to even have a chance of staying. Her design was beautiful, well made and IMO the deserving winner.
As to her character, remember when she got into it early on with Lupe in the apartment? She seemed a little pushy and irrational there but I may have to revisit that episode to recall how that all went down.
All in all though, she was a real revelation and surprise last night. I still don't think she gets to Final 3, but I won't be surprised if she beats out Santino to Final 4.
I so agree-she has been quietly competitive, but with herself, not the others, KWIM? Do you recall her saying to Daniel "If I had it (the fabric) you know I'd give it to you, Babe" and he said "I know"? I think her dress was incredible and as much as I love Daniel, she was robbed in this challenge. I'm thinking they didn't want to give her immunity to be in the top 4. I'll be interested to hear what she has to say in the recap show.
I think the producers were *trying* to make her an unnice addition, perhaps hoping maybe she'd become the Wendy.
In a lot of ways, there are parallel storylines: if she makes/made the top-3 she does seem the designer who snuck through with a roller-coaster of good and bad moments, who never really shined most of the time. She didn't have enough "mean" moments, but she has many "stressball" moments: that whole exchange with Guadalupe, the flip out with Daniel and his "pippy", and the whole breakdown during the BR challenge.
Remembering how that stress manifested itself during fashion week for Wendy? (her issue with having no accessories, the late arrival of someone she was expecting to bring her suppiles).
Kara is a lot like Wendy in that regard. She is just less "mean" :)
creator of the Fashion $500 challenge. :)
I really like Kara. She really tries to be a team player as well as try her best.
She really shined this week and I was so happy to see it. I thought her dress was better than Daniel's (as was Chloe's) and she had a splash of color in her bodice.
She is a lovely person inside and out and I'm sure regardless of where she ends up in terms of PR, she'll go far.
I AGREE! Kara got robbed! She really surprised me and I thought her design was wonderful. At least you know the judges don't have favorites and really judge on design.
I really like Kara, and I actually choose her to win this challenge in Bravo's fashion face-off game because I thought she was due. I also thought her Nicky Hilton dress was an overlooked gem. The back was stunning.
She's a little emotional, but I think the show is pushing them all to the brink--sleep wise, health-wise, not to mention all the anxiety of getting auf'ed.
The one who I thought was going to blow it was Santino. How could a guy like that resist glueing all kinds of crap on his dress? Surprise! I liked his too. I liked them all, actually. It's really unfortunate about Andre, but like Tim said in his blog, someone's got to go.
this is a bit off topic but one of my issues with this season is the fact that many of us feel that the right person did not win. again i think daniel is talented but this is the second week when many of us are shaking our heads-i am not sure we ever felt that way last season when kara saun won-any thoughts
and yes i did notice that about kara-outside of the weird barbie hat obsession she has been pretty consistantly good to everyone
She does seem like such a sweetheart, and her dress this week turned out lovely. I wish she wasn't so uneven.
Are you sure that that was muslin left uncovered on Daniel's dress, and not say, floral ribbon, or another fabric or fabric-like material from the floral shop? It seemed to have a sheen and wasn't the same color as the muslin.
Very well said, Laura. It was so nice to see Kara helping Chloe with her dress last night. Kara's dress was so beautiful - it was a winner in my book. But at this late stage of the game everyone just seems to be relieved to be "in"!
When Kara made that comment about smoking the weeds, I instantly changed from a DanFan to a KaraHead. She really did deserve the win here.
When Kara offered to help Chloe she won me over. She saw the potential of Chloe's dress and thought it would be a shame for her to be eliminated strictly because she picked a labor-intensive treatment. Kara could have let Chloe self-destruct ... but she didn't. She helped when she didn't have to. I think she would rather have Chloe eliminated for a bad design rather than for being too ambitious.
Wow, you all have made some great points, here. I think I'm going to amend my original post a little to include even more love!
i have to agree. kara seems to be very kind. i liked the way she offered to help chloe, eventhough, she wasn't totally finished. she really did deserve to win. she, chloe, or, dare i say it, santino, deserved to win over daniel. i'm not sure why his straps showing weren't a big deal.
kara is also the one who worked really well when paired up.
Even if the straps of Daniel's dress were floral ribbon and not illegal--the contrast of the vibrant blue/purple flowers and the dark green of the greenery made the white straps aesthetically unpleasing. And how do you explain the inch of exposed white fabric in the back of the bodice?
I think Kara or Chloe should have won. I lean toward Chloe because the skirt of Kara's dress was a bit troubling.
I think Daniel V. got immunity because the judges and producers wanted him to definitely make the final three. Immunity didn't help him specifically, but it prevents any unfortunate screwups messing up the master plan. It also does prevent other undeserving designers from getting it. Kara has been mediocre for most of the challenges. Immunity would have given her a significant boost, is that really fair? If you are for immunity keeping the weaker players around, then yes.
I am sorry to see Andrae go and I guess I don't understand how Daniel V's body of work gets him a win time and again, but Andrae's body of work can't save him from a boring design. Does does your entire body of work count or not?
I was glad to see Kara helping Chloe. And I laughed and laughed because in the beginning of the episode the boys all seem to agree that the girls are not competition and it's between the four of them. Andrae even went so far as to say he wasn't going to go home. The minute he said it, I knew he was headed home. The irony of the editing was too delicious.
I agree. I think she is one of the greatest talents on the show. It is a just a shame that she didn't take any big risks (like many others this year) -- I thought her Nicky Hilton dress was the best.
Carry on Kara!
I gotta disagree a little. Kara is sweet, but overall her designs haven't been as consistently strong as the other designers. (of course- Santino is another story altogether- his lack of design discipline may be ultimately worse.) I agree with the person who said she didn't win b/c the judges didn't want her to get immunity for the next episode, because they don't think she'll make it to the final 3.
I would have gone with Chloe. Her dress was so pretty. I suspect the judges find her designs too simple and not couture enough- she always comes in 2nd.
Who knows?
I do agree- Kara's kindness in helping Chloe moved me- plus I think she had the best dress.
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