Click here for the official statement which includes several choice bits of news:
· We learn that Season 3 offers 15 designers.
· We learn of a one-hour special focusing on casting at 9:00, July 12 hosted by Tim Gunn. This is prior to the premiere at 10:00 that same night.
· It is confirmed that Nina Garcia and Michael Kors will judge. They fail to mention how often.
· And they state that the fifteen finalists will be whittled down to only 3 by New York Fashion Week in September.
Hmmm, fifteen designers, whittled to three, 10 weeks of episodes before the Project Runway showing at New York Fashion Week, presumed to be held September 15th ....
Dancing Heidi courtesy of FourFour.
They spelled Sasha Cohen's name wrong in the Press Release. Idiots.
Its nice to see Bravo catch up with us in the promotion of their own show.
Now I'm really looking forward to meeting the new designers!
Do you know if Amazon.com has the PR2 release available? I want to order it but I prefer to get it through your site for obvious reasons.
I totally want to meet the new designers!
I wasnt to see thier creations, and design asthetic!!! I want to see thier interview videos, and personal portfolios...thier Q&A!!! OMG@
This is exciting! I am so math impaired, but this could work out to 4 shows at fashion week and one double elimination?
All the while I was reading the PR I thought "but BPR is so much better than the Bravo Website!" I kept waiting for that disclosure-but oh, right, this is from Bravo, LOL!!! Someone must have told them there was a Season 3??
Just noticed-looking at the right sidebar on the PR, it looks like they'll be re-running Season 3 a few weeks before-maybe a couple of marathon weekends or something?
Brenda - official release date for PR2 is June 27, but you can pre-order it now!
praddicted - Bravo currently has a PR2 marathon scheduled for Saturday, June 24.
They are roughly half way through the filming of Season 3. I bet things are getting tense in the workroom as we speak!
So I can watch the marathon and then re-watch Season 2 as many times as I wish a few day later on DVD??? And that will be the end of the school year and my birthday week???
The summer will be off to a brilliant start for this PR fan!
The anticipation is killing me!
This is so exciting! I can't wait to see what happens. I have been rewatching Season 1. It is interesting to see everything from the beginning!
Just the dynamics - Heidi hosting the getting to know you party is so sweet and the interaction between the judges and designers for the first couple of episodes - they are a little tentative and holding back (or editing is) compared to say the end of the 2nd Season.
I also bought a promo for Project Jay off of ebay, does anyone know when/if Bravo will sell it?
A true Marathon would be to watch Season 1 then Project Jay then Season 2 right before Season 3!
any inside scoop on when bravo will release the designer's identities? i know one of the designers very, very well and can't wait to share the news with everyone! it's been killing me.
does anyone remember how long it took for bravo to release the designer's names after they released the press release for season 2?
Hi Anonymous,
It's hard to compare this season to season two. We knew the designers' names a full two months before the premiere. This season - who knows?
Ummmmm... feel free to send me a personal e-mail! (wink wink) I promise to keep it confidential!
Hi Laura!
LOL. I wish I could say more, but what I will say is that the person I know is my sibling and he/she is f&*%ing amazing.
Once designers are announced, I'll give some of my own inside scoop. Rest assured, there's some drama this season to sink our teeth into!!!
Anonymous Sibling
Now how am I supposed to sleep tonight? Drama? On Project Runway?
PRAddicted, I'm thinking that since there are 15 designers - 10 weeks of elimination - 3 finalists = 2 extra designers that need to be eliminated ... either via:
1). a group elimination (!) or
2). two double eliminations or
3). else one double, one decoy. That's my speculation anyway.
PC! Forty days! I feel a song coming on... Give me a sec....
Anonymous, you rock! I was wondering if each new season could be as good as the last, and now I'm hopeful. Please feel free to add little hints. Good luck to your brother/sister.
Woohoo, Wednesdays are going to rock again soon!
It's weird that they are doing it so early in the year. I presume the episodes will wrap up in late fall, and then we have to wait a few months for Fashion Week? I wonder how that's going to work.
I need to start dropping hints to my bf to get me the PR2 DVD!!!!! Yes!!!!! OK, I guess I'd buy it for myself if he doesn't get it for me withing two days of it coming out.
Anonymous John
I think I can handle 40 more days now that I know where the end of the waiting is!
I think I'm more excited for the full hour of audition footage! Can I hope for at least a third of that hour devoted to New York and my Daniel judging???
Once I've had my Daniel withdrawal filled I'll be more than thrilled for Season 3 to get started!
moi; - what do you mean you're going to be gone? I need you to co-host the opening night BPR party with me!
Moi, Tbone knows I'm going to see Madonna on July 12th ... due to exceedingly poor planning on my part.
I'm considering finally breaking down to get TiVo just for my PR jones.
Don't worry, kids. Bravo will probably show each episode at least 12 times a week. I mean obviously, it's their best program!
i am so excited. i can finally have project runway parties with my friends because we wont have school the next day!
Recipes! Let's submit our recipe ideas for the premiere! Creativity counts and clever titles are appreciated. I'll post this next week - stay tuned....
I can't believe we're talking drinks already for the parties!
Where's AJ? She was always one to "party" during the parties with me.
I just realized that I also won't be home for the finale!
We'll be in Disney World that week. Caileigh and I will just have to wear our Full Dan Fan shirts and promote PR around the Magic Kingdom.
I'm getting ahead of myself-I meant premiere. Duh.
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