Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Preview to a Daniel Vosovic Interview
The Interview
Thanks Kevin K. for sharing this with us!
More Video for Mac Users
Tim Video Blog episode 4
Preview to Part 1 of the Finale (episode 13)
Again, check here for the other videos, all created by Abhinetri. Thanks again!
Project iTunes

As of today, all twelve episodes, Road to Runway through Reunion, are now available on iTunes. You can purchase them individually at $1.99 each or get the entire season so far for only $9.99.
Here's your opportunity to carry around PR on your video iPod or to just watch it again and again on your computer since you don't even need an iPod to enjoy this service. You will be able to do great screen caps using clear images (for Windows users, that is using 'Alt' and 'Print Screen' at the same time). But most of all you will be able to have the complete season before it comes out on DVD and at a great price.
Personally, I'm waiting until after the next two episodes and then I'll make my purchase. This is a great deal!
Make it work!
The BPR Top 5: 2nd Place
Marla and Kara happened to have the very fabric he needed to complete his design, and he was hanging his hopes on their leftovers. So he waited, and waited, and waited. At the end of Day 1, he knew there would be no black satin. Time was running out and with his back against the wall he had to "make it work".

He created a sexy, sophisticated silhouette with the print that had his model Rebecca Holliday rocking the runway. This is the dress that made us all sit up and take notice of Daniel Vosovic the designer. His cool, calm head and poise under pressure that he displayed throughout Season 2 belies his age. It also carried him straight to the tent at Bryant Park. The design may not have won this challenge, but it landed him in the runner-up position on BPR's Top 5 Looks for Season 2. Congratulations Daniel!

Monday, February 27, 2006
From the Mailbox

Andrae as The Riddler? Hmmmmmm - I can sort of see it, Thanks Anonymous.
Next - once and for all - it's ARION. ARION. Not Aryan. Not Arian. Not Arianne. It's ARION. Okay any idea how to spell Shetangy? And no, I don't think there's an "i" in it - thanks. Can we go with Shetangy? What do you think? : )
Meanwhile here is a great article about our favorite show from the Seattle Post/Intelligencer. Thanks Wendie. Diana is selling her scarves, and here is part two of an excellent Tim Gunn interview.
Emmett's First Newsletter
Dear Friends :
I was so pleased to see all the designers again at the reunion show and at Bryant Park during the taping of the final runway shows during Olympus Fashion Week. Chloé, Daniel, Kara, and Santino put their best work on the runway--I was especially pleased that Chlóe and Kara where there, as they both have become very close friends to me since our bonding experience under the intense scrutiny of the Project Runway cameras last summer. I loved both of their collections and was happy to see Kara get raves afterwards from none other than Womens Wear Daily and Fern Mallis, whom apparently didn't know Kara was the decoy and declared Kara the winner! Kara actually lives a few blocks from my apartment and I talk to her and Chloé almost daily. Chloe showed a passionate collection focusing on luxury fabrics with beautiful and unusual construction.
Chloe's generosity for sharing her experience, insights, and advice regarding my new EMc2 boutique have been incredibly helpful. I also liked Daniel's collection, it amazed me how young and sophisticated he is as a designer. Santino's left behind his television theatrics for his presentation and his designs had both beautiful use of color and silhouette. After the filming, I hosted a cast party at the boutique. It was nice to relax and get to know one another better and, with the cameras finally off, see each other as individuals not TV characters.
Since November, starting my own brand and opening the boutique (more on that later...) has been the most exciting, terrifying, and challenging experience of my life--much worse than wearing that skintight pink shirt during my final episode as a Project Runway contender. My family, friends and colleagues have come out to support me as well as thousands of supporters who have emailed me from all over the country. Thank you, thank you thank you! It's a huge risk but I know I am not alone.
The grand opening is set for March 17--Saint Patrick's Day--wish this Irish lad luck.
much love,
Could we get an "Official BPR Field Reporter" over to Emmett's Store on March 17th? Who is game?
The BPR Top 5 Looks: 3rd Place
In All Dolled Up, the 13 remaining designers were told that they would be designing for a fashion icon. A BIG fashion icon. And they were going to meet her at her house! In what proved to be maybe the most fun challenge of Season 2, the designers ended up at the Times Square Toys 'R Us to meet their muse - Barbie! They soon learned that the winner of this challenge was not only going to move on, but their design would end up on a special edition doll with their picture on the box. How cool was that?

Our mourning over Nick's auf in the Makeover episode continues. (Why, oh why Nick could you not have heeded Tim's advice at Mood?) But there was no getting past the Golden Girls suit. We are comforted by the fact that Nick has parlayed his experience on PR to further success. There he is sending Brenda Strong down the red carpet, and oh, look at him having fun at the Olympics! Nick, we didn't get to see your show at Bryant Park, but they can't take away your Barbie. Congratulations on making the BPR Top 5 Looks List from Season 2!

Click Here For Andy's Interview With Daniel Vosovic
Åndrãé's Ącĉentś
This segment was my personal favorite from the reunion show and I know that there has been popular demand for us to post this.
Thanks again to Abhinetri!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Tim's Video Blog
Tim's Video Blog episode 1 - Newly added!
Tim's Video Blog episode 2
Tim's Video Blog episode 3
Best Moments of the Cast Members
Cast Members Tell What is Was Like Watching Themselves
Cast Members Tell Their Wednesday Night Rituals - Newly added!
Cast Members Tell Their Worst Moments - Newly added!
I would appreciate it if the Mac users out there can tell us if these are helpful!
Thanks so much to Abhinetri for posting these!
From The Mailbox
Last night a friend of mine had a loft party in SoHo and guess who was there? None other than Heather herself.
She is truly beautiful. I know that she looks great on Tv, but in person she is just stunning. She's really tall and thin, much thinner than she looks on Tv, with really long dark hair. I didn't want to gawk or annoy her so I didn't approach her about PR, but throughout the night everyone was talking to everyone else, so we did get to have some small talk, none PR related though. She is such a nice, classy and sweet girl, and when someone dropped a bottle she went and got a broom and swept it up. Another thing that I found cute was that even with a huge selection of fine wines and liquors, she chose to nurture a bottle of beer throughout the night. Oh, and she definitely does not have that stuck up "I'm better than you" attitude, it seems like her PR success did not go to her head at all.
Thats all. I just thought that this was a cool spotting that I wanted to share.
Coming Soon....

Edited to add: More images! Thanks Miriald who picked these up at the TwoP Site posted by Hartichoke.
Tim Gunn Network
The BPR Top 5 Looks: 4th Place
After graduating from FIT and spending several years working in the industry in NYC, Chloe moved back to Houston and opened her own boutique, Lot 8, named in honor of her siblings. Chloe brought a formidable combination of experience and design talent to Season 2 of Project Runway. Although her stature is small, she packed more fashion sense per inch than any of her competitors. She clearly was a force to be reckoned with.

Chloe's showing in this episode helped define her run to the Final 3. She performed consistently challenge after challenge using her signature "Chloe Blue" and model Grace to their full potential. This dress garnered her first win on the show, and a spot on the BPR Top 5 Looks from Season 2. Congratulations Chloe!

Saturday, February 25, 2006
Recap-alooza! Episode 12 "Reunion"
Did you know that PR was primarily an educational program? Rich lays it all out for you at FourFour, in the must-read classic recap of the year
Katey at Totes Umbrellas has raised the bar this week when it comes to screen caps. Fabulous and funny, as always
AJ keeps getting better and better every week, and there's a lively discussion going on in the comments sparked by a "friend of Zulema's" that you don't want to miss
This week, The Manolo, he was bored
Mags thinks that all 16 designers were looking pretty hot at the reunion
Needs Inspiration is nuts about Diana, ain't we all?
Shawn over at Getting to Maybe best captures what bewilderment looks like on your face when confronted with the problem of Lupe
And of course, our own Dr. Don provides his usual in-depth analysis
Okay, who'd I miss? E-mail me at culta64@yahoo.com to get in on the fun!
Tim Gunn - Best Week Ever
Also, be sure to see Part 2 of Tim Gunn's Video Blog, click here. And don't forget to check the '14 Days of Finale' page daily on the Bravo site for new video content each day.
ETA: Anyone willing to transcribe Part 2 of Tim's video blog for our Mac using friends? If so, please let Tbone or The Scarlett know so we can post it. Our readers really appreciate it. Thanks!
More PR - The Musical
Click the arrow to watch.
One of Santino's commenters suggested the title "Vest Side Story or "Beauty and the Baste."
The BPR Top 5 Looks: 5th Place
Santino is also, undeniably, a very talented and visionary fashion designer.

Congratulations Santino, you made the cut on the BPR Top 5 Looks List from Season 2!

The Saying Goes "Money Talks ..."
This is in from BPR reader Lissette (she even compiled a spreadsheet!):
Who's your favorite designer? We each have an opinion, but if you judge who this season's best designer is, based on the total gross sales of their garments (from the Project Runway online auctions of the season two episodes' garments*), you may (or may not) be pleasantly surprised!
The "best" season two designers (based on total sales*) are as follows (dollar figure represents total sales gross**):
- Nick.........$4,967
- Santino.....$4,611
- Daniel V....$4,169
- Chloe.......$3,931
- Kara........$2,183
- Andrae.....$2,098
- Emmett....$1,336
- Diana.......$1,220
- Zulema.....$1,112
- Guadalupe....$875
- Daniel F.......$870
- Marla..........$635
- Raymundo....$505
- Heidi...........$90
- Kirsten.........$75
- John............$65
* The auctions considered for these results include: all garments from episodes 1 - 11 (except for the Episode 9: Garden Party outfits) and each designers' MyScene Barbie from episode 3 "All Dolled Up".
** All sales figures were rounded up to the nearest dollar. Auctions not considered or included in the Total Sales Gross include miscellaneous projects, such as:
1) the MyScene Barbies sold with Nick's autograph (Sales of which totaled $1465)
2) Olympus Fashion Week - Project Runway Fashion Show Tickets
3) the yet undetermined, Designers' Original Sketches
Friday, February 24, 2006
Professor Nick Verreos
Thanks, Meg, for pointing this out!
The BPR Top 5 Preview
We tallied 176 responses between the two boards and one thing is clear - our individual tastes are all over the place. Of the 93 possible designs from Season 2 that could have been chosen, 54 of them received at least one vote. And there were , er, some interesting choices:
Santino received 2 votes (!) for his "Makeover" jumpsuit and one brave soul included his "Team Lingerie" collection on the list. (No one dared vote for his ice skating costume). Garments that earned their designers the auf made some of your Top 5, including Andrae's garden party dress (2 votes), Diana/Marla's Banana Republic outfit (1 vote) and Nick's "Makeover" suit (1 vote). In fact, the only designers who didn't get at least one vote were Heidi, John and Kirsten who barely had a chance to unpack their suitcases.
So make sure to check back tomorrow as we unveil the 5th place finisher. You'll have one more chance to reflect on the designs and share what you liked so much about them. We will then count down the Top 5, one each day, leading up to the winner on Wednesday, just in time for Part 1 of the finale. We'll see how many of your choices made the BPR Top 5 !
Suited for Off-Broadway?

They laugh. They cry. They cry and cut. They cry on the runway. Imagine the walk-off scene! Oh, and the tearful auf wiedersehens are Broadway moments waiting to happen!
Memo to Heidi Klum:
We already have the songs ... "Lighten Up It's Just Fashion!" ... "Daniel Franco, Where Did You Go?" ... "Tim Gunn, Tim Gunn, If He Calls Your Name You're Done" ... "What's the Matter With Andrae?" ... "Kara the Overlock Downer" ... "Don't Let Emmett On the Serger." You have a ready audience. We just need you to produce this.
Your fans at BPR
Oh, and wouldn't this make a nice stop on the BPR tour of NYC?
Early Recaps of "Reunion."
ETA: Four Four is now up! And it's another must-read. (Thanks Shawn!) And hello there Mags, we finally caught up with you. Also, please say hello over at Needs Inspiration, home of the "Danservice" craze.
But wait, there's still more! Katey at Totes Umbrellas has more screen caps than you can shake a stick at. Huh-larious!
This weeks recap-alooza will go up over the weekend. Please send Tbone an e-mail at culta64@yahoo.com to get your recap included. We don't want to miss you!
Nick in Torino
According to Nick's blog, you should be able to see him today on USA Network's Olympic Ice program tonight at 6:00 (Eastern). It sounds like he is part of their in-depth analysis of Women's Figure Skating. Expect lots of commentary on the costumes (four-way-stretch! illusion-mesh! sequins! chiffon!) and much love for Sasha Cohen. I know I'll be watching!
And, thanks to our reader George who provided the sketch of Nick on Ice. It's a very good likeness!
1) The opening was wonderful. The designers arrive by cab in the order of their eliminations, intercut with film snippets of their final appearances before the firing squad (the judges), accompanied by an ominous soundtrack of brutal/bit*hy oneliners, usuallly delivered by the verbally lethal MKors, PR's resident ogre, then the coup de gras, the dreaded Aufwiedersehns, It was fun, it was delightful, they all seemed pleased to see one another.
For more of the post, click here.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
A Note From Daniel Franco
Hi Laura,
want this?
This is probably not worth writing about, however...
I am trying to just laugh off the awkward editing-gag-gone-lame between Me and the Lovely Heidi Klum "I Love you" train wreck moment but....
As a man who believes in priciples & honor, I must let it be known that I would never ever approach a happily married woman with any awkward intentions at all. It does not match up one bit with my ethics.
When I said "I Love You Heidi.." It was because she said something incredibly complimentary about my lingerie collection, not shown on the special, and I meant it as a great term of affection, respect and admiration. She said something that was to me, a great validation of my work. (Confidentiality agreement kicks in now.)
Heidi Klum created Project Runway, an amazing forum for fashion designers. So I consider her a "patron saint of the arts". I meant "I Love you Heidi", as a...Thank you and I look up to you, for the opportunites she created for all of the artists on the show.
I think maybe the producers wanted a good laugh like the one in the Lingerie episode during the presentation of our groups to Heidi. Remember the 70's guitar in the background as I say, "I want to show you something beautiful?" But this time the editing seemed slightly rushed, they got this episode out in 2 weeks...amazing actually. As compared to 6 months for the Lingerie episode.
So, there it is...my official response to that.
By the way I LOVE ALL OF YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!! With No awkward editing in sight! Direct.
; )
Any Amateur Travel Agents Out There?
BPR Loves Emmett!

Dear Emmett,
We at Blogging Project Runway are in universal agreement that there was "Not Enough Emmett" in the Reunion Show! You looked fabulous. How are things going?
Have you been able to watch any of the Olympic Figure Skating? : )
Laura Kluvo
Dear Laura:
Was I really on Project Runway or was it a decoy?
I watched yesterday the reunion show and l think l said maybe 5 words!
They focused on the dramatic designers, Andre, Daniel Franco, Santino and not enough on the others.
It is TV.
You are so sweet to say: not enough Emmett.
I am busy working on my newsletter so hopefully you can give me your feedback.
What is the Surprise Next Week? The Twist?
"What does everyone think the surprise is next week, the twist. Kara looked like she wanted to explode last night and did not focus on her very much.
I think she fully competes in fashion week and that the final judging is on four, not three. I think that may be why Chloe gets so upset. Kara's collection was so great, solid and well received that PR just may be connected to it."
Wouldn't that be great? HA! Of course, we know that Heidi announces "three" finalists at the actual show. Hmmmmm..... What do you think? Any other ideas about the surprise?
Season 3 Casting - Click Here
Now, go practice threading the serger and fixing the overlock.
Sketch Auction
Now, if only they would tell us the size of the sketches.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Anyone Game to Transcribe Tim's Video Log on the Bravo Site?
Edited to add: Thanks, Bella!
BRAVO Press Release!
Burbank, CA - February 22, 2006 - Bravo today announced that its critically acclaimed original cable programming will launch on the iTunes Music Store(www.itunes.com). Viewers will be able to download tonight's reunion episode of the Emmy-nominated hit series "Project Runway" in advance of Bravo's television premiere.
Beginning Tuesday, February 28, viewers will be able to download the entire current season-to-date episodes of "Project Runway" as well as the most compelling episodes of Bravo's eleven time Emmy-nominated "Inside the Actors Studio" featuring this season's interview coups with Dave Chappelle and Angelina Jolie. Also available will be some of the most acclaimed episodes from last season's "Inside the Actors Studio" including Jim Lipton's interview with Michael J. Fox.
"Bravo continues to provide some of the most talked about, water-cooler buzz shows on television today," said Jeff Zucker, CEO NBC Universal Television Group. "We are really pleased to be able to offer a show like 'Project Runway' on iTunes. This show was not only the single cable show nominated for an Emmy in its category last year, but it has grown to be an even bigger hit this year. iTunes provides the perfect platform for Bravo's acclaimed programming and we're confident that they will find the same success as our other offerings."
"We're thrilled to bring great original cable programming from Bravo to the iTunes Music Store," said Eddy Cue, Apple's vice president of iTunes. "We strive to bring the best content to iTunes and we think customers are going to love the addition of 'Project Runway' and 'Inside the Actors Studio.'"
"iTunes gives our passionate 'Project Runway' viewers the first chance to watch premiere episodes on their iPod," said Lauren Zalaznick, President, Bravo. "Marrying the coolest technology to a really cool show lets our loyal viewers watch the best and buzziest Bravo shows in a completely new way."
Pricing & Availability
iTunes 6 for Mac and Windows includes the iTunes Music Store and is available as a free download from www.apple.com/itunes. Purchase and download of songs and videos from the iTunes Music Store requires a valid credit card with a billing address in the country of purchase. Television shows are available in the US only, and video availability varies by country. Television shows are $1.99 (US) per episode, and music videos and short films are $1.99 (US) each."
Click Here For An Article About Skating Costumes

Don't miss the slideshow. Meanwhile....THIS article has an even better slideshow. What a hoot! Please do not send in caption entries for this shot. No matter how tempting.

Go ahead and make your "Flower Power" references though!
Thanks for the heads-up Scubaotter!
Here is a link to the Manolo's post about this "fashion sinkhole!"
Project Jay Buzz
Who are you really looking forward to seeing again tonight? Here is a link to the Bravo preview.
Is everyone staying up for Project Jay?
In an effort to serve the fans, BPR will once again provide live-posting of tonight's shows. We'll have the usual Party thread for Project Runway, as well as the individual commentary provided by Matthew and Tbone. Immediately after I'll set up a new post for Project Jay as well as a reaction post for the Reunion Episode. I know that a lot of folks will sign off to visit the Bravo website and read Tim's Take or listen to the podcast but just in case anyone wants to hang out here, or to return, we'll have this available. So....who will be joining us tonight?
Meanwhile, today is the last day to vote on your five favorite designs of the season. TBone is going to compile our results along with the favorites on the TwoP board and reveal the top five winners in a super-suspenseful build-up not to be missed!
Last...Don't miss Heidi Klum on "Live With Regis and Kelly" today!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
What's a Vlog?
Hmmmmm...What could this be?

That's right! It's a detail from The Outcast's Olympics Fashion Weak Collection. Now, think about it...Of all of the designers who made it onto the show (and were eliminated) how many of them have produced a collection and shared it with us? How many of them have subjected themselves and their designs to public scrutiny like The Outcast? I have a genuine admiration for Karen Garrett. She is certainly dedicated and I hope she tries out for PR3!
From The Mailbox
First, here is an article about Jay McCarroll and "Project Jay." I am really looking forward to this! (Thanks Florrie.) Then be sure to visit Santino's blog for video of his appearance on Regis and Kelly yesterday. (Thanks, Jamey.) Finally here is a link to an interview with Tim Gunn. Don't miss this - it's great! (Thanks, Mike.)
Another Olympic Figure Skating / Project Runway Connection
Monday, February 20, 2006
Questions For The Designers?
My questions (as I recall) were these: First for Kirsten, "After the watching the show this season, do you regret not using your scarf for the the COYB challenge?"
Then to John and Heidi S: "We barely had a chance to get to know you. Will you try out for Season Three?"
I also asked if "SOMEONE could explain to us, once and for all, exactly what is meant by, "A mentorship with the Banana Republic Design Team."
Did any of you present questions? It will be fun to watch the show and to listen for these!
Meanwhile, here are a couple of new articles to read: First the Village Voice and then This one about Project Jay. Thanks Teresa.
Remember, On Wednesday night we'll be watching Project Runway - "Reunion" at 10:00 and then we'll stay tuned for Project Jay. Maybe I'll even set up a party thread for Project Jay. What do you think?
Don't forget there is a PR marathon today!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
The BPR Top 5
Saturday, February 18, 2006
My Scores (for FW): Daniel and Chloe, even odds; Santino, the dark horse (a role that he seems to play quite naturally). As I've already stated elsewhere, I feel that he should have gone bigger, more outrageous, more in-your-face, more Santino. He can never beat Daniel at his game, which is exactly what, it seems, he has tried to do. (Kara's startlingly fine and inventive collection, my personal favourite --for its risk, vision, stretching the limits, fun, distinctive personality and POV--is unfortunately out of the running. But hopefully some magic happened for her at FW, and she made some valuable connections within the industry.)
If I had any power at all over the final decision (Lots of Luck!!! lol), I'd make it a three-way, or at least a two-way, tie. But that won't happen. You can bank on that. I'm afraid that the Banana Republic judge will tip the balance toward timid, bland and impeccable, their industry signature.( Does anyone here know whether the runnersup win ANYTHING, other than the national exposure which is, of course, priceless??)
We can now do an overview, albeit slightly preliminary, of PR season II, especially the high and low points. Here are mine: please chime in with yours.
High: BR team challenge/with Chloe
Low: lingerie team challenge/with Santino+Nick
Comment: More than any other designer he seemed ready to leave when he was aufed. He left with characteristic good grace, even humour--not the usual teary exit with undertones of either exaggerated gratitude or "I was robbed"
High: Inspiration challenge. Runnerup: BR team challenge/with Daniel.
Low: Clothes Off Your Back challenge+accompanying runway meltdown
Comment: Should have won Inspiration. Meltdown totally understandable, if totally "inexcusable". It certainly individualized and humanized Andrae, if it rendered him somewhat eccentric. (By the way, I LOVE eccentric!!!) Andrae's Inspiration design was for me the most beguiling, magical, delicious and sensuous garment of the season.
High: Barbie challenge.
Low: the Zuleema raid on his model, the exquisite Tarah.
Comment: Nick was a favourite of many, especially after Daniel F's elimination. He may simply have peaked too early, or not wanted the win passionately enough. He also seemed to start missing LA (friends, partner, favourite haunts) desperately about midway through.
High: Fashion Week collection. Runnerup: Garden Party challenge
Low: TIE: BR challenge, Zuleema in s/m mode; the makeover challenge (Santino)
High: NHilton, need you ask?!!!!
Low: Kara's makeover, need you ask?!!!!
Comment: things are always so clear with Santino. He doesn't evoke a shred of ambivalance in either his friends or his enemies.
High: BR team challenge/with Emmett; Runnerup: Makeover challenge (Nick--at least it allowed Nick to exit in High Style)
Low: lingerie team challenge/with Daniel F. The Freakout that caused Daniel's early , and probably undeserved, departure
Comment: Some here have speculated that her comment to Daniel, it's better to be a great human being than a great designer, carried a nasty. negative vibe. I don't buy that for a minute. I felt genuine compassion, affection and support in her remark.
High: Inspiration challenge. He really pushed the envelope in this one.
Low: Chloe's makeover. Was it deliberate, was he subtly/subliminally thumbing his nose at the judges because of his immunity??
Comment: his spectacular, eyecatching design for the Inspiration challenge was pure Objet d'Art, minimally wearable, if that, except on the runway.
SEASON HIGHS AND LOWS, FOR THE VIEWER (this one at any rate):
BR challenge. All of the designs were wonderful, probably better then BR deserved. AND Daniel/Andrae's winning design was not, in my opinion, the best. True, it had very clean lines and was, for once, very wearable.
Runnerup: Daniel Franco taking the hit for his lingerie collection, refusing to blame anyone else. Compare this to Santino's now famous/infamous, if unheard, tirade/defense of his collection, too characteristically blaming everyone else in the universe, except, of course, himself. (In hindsight, however, the collection does seem to have staying power. Who can remember anything about Daniel's, except for the bustier?
Santino's is edgier, and as only he is capable of accomplishing, marries kitch to high concept in an astonishing fusion. Wow!!!)
Hands down, the Makeover Episode. There was all-around bad chemistry and lethal vibes floating through that on!!. Chloe alone seemed to stay out of it, AND WON. I call this episode "Andrae's Wake". His presence was critically missed, especially by Santino. All of the designer's work this episode, Chloe excepted, was "off the mark".
Runnerup (by at least five or ten heads, but still grueling emotionally): Andrae's meltdown. Being almost pathologically empathetic by nature (simultaneously a blessing and a curse), I responded deeply to the inner panic, grief, trauma and chaos that he so clearly was experiencing.That one was a REAL rollar-coaster ride.
Don here, signing off.
Recap-alooza! Episode 11 "What's My Line"
First up, our beloved Blogfather The Manolo, who likes to refer to us as "Blogging the Project Runway"
Next, the must-read standard bearer of PR hilarity Four Four
Katey at Totes Umbrellas has a nice screen cap of Uncle Nick's farewell message on the 35D chalkboard
Our in-house stable of recappers include uber-commenter AJ, Dr. Don, and The Scarlett
Needs Inspiration provides a little "Danservice", if you need it
Both Mags and Elisa really didn't like Heidi's phony drama runway question
Nice to see Shawn at Getting To Maybe check in again this week
It's "Bad Boys Like Goldfish" over at Fans of Reality TV
And as if that's not enough, there's always tvsquad, Orwell Project, and the Reality Shack to keep you going until Bravo's next PR marathon
Last but certainly not least - Dan Renzi still hasn't posted his recap, but his caption contest continues (I'm not sure I want to know what the prize is for this one...)
ETA: Dan Renzi has his recap up now!
Did we miss you? Send us an e-mail and we will be happy to edit you in!
The Latest....
Please continue to vote in our "Five Favorite Looks" poll below.
Visit Nick's blog for information on his TV Guide channel appearance and a link to his exit interview.
Last, a reminder about comment etiquette, just in case we have some newbies. Please be polite. Do not argue with one another, simply state your case and let it rest. We're all friends here. Thanks!
Friday, February 17, 2006
Five Favorite Looks?
Just to be consistent let's list them by designer and then by episode like this:
1. Daniel V - Social Scene
2. Nick - All Dolled Up
3. Andrae - Inspiration
4. Chloe - COYB
5. Santino - Road to the Runway
Also, if you have voted at TwoP, please don't vote here because in addition to our tally, Madpawn is keeping track over at TwoP. Eventually we can add them all up in one super-duper count!
Edited to clarify - please put them in order!
Don't Miss This Anti-Recap From Our Resident Philosopher
Fourfour's recap is up. Also, Elisa, Manolo, aj, The Scarlett, Katey and...well.... Dan Renzi's recap isn't quite up yet, but... ummm the "teaser" is worthwhile - trust me...
Click Here For An Article About Santino
Click Here To Bid On Andrae's Famous Orange Shorts!

Project Runway Word Search
Carry on!
Were Season One Designers Better?
Anyway, I've been reading on the message boards that many viewers feel like last year's collections were better. By the way - I loved all of the season one collections. It's bothering me right now that we might only get to see three of the season two collections.
I don't think we ever saw Austin's collection except for in still photos. (Did we ever see a video? I can't recall...) There's no way to make this up to Austin but surely the producers will air Kara's "decoy" show as well. Andy says: (We'll post the fourth person's entire collection soon.) Well, we've already seen the still photos - it would be nice to see a video. Also, I'm sure I'll enjoy hearing Santino singing during his show!
Okay, back to the point. I loved all three collections last year. I believe that any of them could have won. I thought Wendy's designs were gorgeous. I was literally crying at the end of her show (when we saw Finley skipping along behind the scrim.) Of course, I didn't have all of YOU to share with. I didn't know one single person who watched the show and I wasn't really aware of any on-line "fandom" except for the message boards on the Bravo site. So I didn't have anyone to talk with about this.
Meanwhile, after the whole shoe-gate fiasco, I knew that Kara Saun couldn't win. It would be just opening up a can of worms. I could easily see Wendy complaining that Kara Saun was in violation of her contract. I could even see a lawsuit. No matter that Kara Saun's collection was supposedly judged "without considering" the shoes, you just know that it was impossible to see the outfit without seeing the shoes. It was completely unfair. Kara should have read the contract more thoroughly. I knew when she sent those shoes down the runway, there was no way she could win and it was a shame because her collection was wonderful.
Then there was Jay. How could this mom ever root for a designer who worked in porn? Ugh! But there was his collection - completely spellbinding. Unlike anything I had ever seen. Once I saw it, I knew he would win. Oh, I was kind of in suspense during the judges deliberations. But I definitely saw it coming. It HAD to be Jay. It couldn't be Kara Saun and nobody really liked Wendy. No one was rooting for her. If she had won, no one would care. (Seriously, anyone want to watch "Project Wendy?" Well...actually I would...but I'm in the minority!) It would be the typical reality show outcome where the most devious person is rewarded. But for Jay to win would be the triumph of the underdog. And he certainly deserved it.
So, what do you think? Were last year's collections better than this year's? Was this season too focused on drama and personality and not enough on talent?
I don't think so. I think these designers are just as talented. Also, there was more depth in this pool. Last year, when Robert was eliminated, it was like "How did he survive this long?" And he was FIFTH! The equivalent of Nick. And who was sixth? Kevin? (I'm not totally sure, so correct me if I'm wrong.) How does he match up with Andrae? What do you think? Were Season One designers better?
Thursday, February 16, 2006
When is a Recap Not a Recap?
Whereas reporters are mapmakers, fixated on local history and interstate highways, I would prefer to get down in the grass for a different perspective, creep up close, hoping to discover the face that's hiding under the public face, peel away the surface illusion (the by now infamous, almost too familiar who/why/what/when/where equation) and disclose in its place, under the surface glibness and superficiality, a hint of the real essense and the dense, microscopic, human ecosysem that lies just underneath.
For openers, I loooove this show. In different ways, to different degrees I love and have grown attached to all four surviving designers. Each of them can be proud. Fashion week was an extravagant feast--for the eyes, for the imagination and for the heart, somewhat like seeing your children accomplish wonderful things. And it was no coincidence that it almost coincided with St Valentine's Day.
This recap will not be as expansive or comprehensive as the one I did last week, (thanks, Laura, for hosting me), nor does it need to be. They'll be almost no pseudo-meta-freudian analysis (a new school of psychoanalytic theory that I've singlehandedly discovered), you'll all be relieved to hear.
After some initial sniping at each other and a few glancing blows, but no mortal wounds certainly, primarily between Daniel and Santino, the focus graduated to where it neeeded to be, around the work and the judging. I think that by the end of this session a kind of group healing, gradually and by little increments, had occured, as a new and vastly challenging horizon--fashion week--opened up for all of them. (in this regard the party was a most welcome tonic. ) consequently I will not obsess over the minor friction and verbal squirmishes that did occur. I will merely note that afterwards the rhythm and group energy seemed to smooth out and, if anything, accelerate. Under the smokescreen, which of course the devious editors deliberately highlight with their technical wizardry, hoping for high drama, it's obvious they all do have genuine respect for each other's work.
(Continued in comments section)
Transcript of Tim's Podcast - #11 "What's Your Line?"
Hi, I'm Tim Gunn and this is my podcast for Project Runway Episode 11. What's Your Line.
Heidi instructs our designers that they are each to make an evening dress that
demonstrates the work that they would show at OFW at Bryant Park. So they
have got to rally all their resources, wrap their brain around the concept for their
collection and create a signature design. It's going to be a big challenge. In our last challenge, Nick was out, Chloe won and that brings us down to four designers, one of whom will be eliminated in this challenge, and the remaining three will move on to OFW.
So that just heightens the degree of anxiety and frankly stress that exists in the workroom. I have to stress how incredibly important OFW is in the whole scheme of fashion. This is the first fashion show for the first fashion week in a whole string of fashion weeks that happen worldwide. It all premieres in NY, we're really the focus and being even more blunt about it, Paris and London look at what happens in NY and those collections are tweaked accordingly. They see what we're doing and they - I won't say that they follow, but they're certainly influenced. And it's an advantage to being first...In some ways you could say it's a disadvantage, but we're the leaders and I'm proud of that, I'm very proud of that.
Click Here For a People Magazine Poll
JK Tbone!
This Dress
Kara The Amazing Decoy

Andy's Blog has a nice interview up today with Kara about her Fashion Week collection. How about a little BPR love to Kara Janx and her amazing run?
Who is Game to Transcribe Tim's Podcast?
I receive many notes of thanks for this valuable service.
Also, here is Christine's insightful response to last night's episode! Please send links to recaps to my e-mail address kluless7@cox.net. Thanks!
Ten Remarkable Things About Episode #11
2. Iman is MORE than fabulous. Could there be a more amazing well-established fashion authority and supermodel to advise and promote these novice designers?
3. Along the same lines: Project Runway has arrived! It's obvious that Project Runway has established itself as a show with genuine clout and professional appeal when we have people like Iman, Diane Von Furstenberg, Cynthia Rowley, Sasha Cohen, Debra Messing and most important - BARBIE appearing this year! Compare these celebrities to last year - Sarah Hudson? Post Office Becky? (Okay, honestly I loved her.) Parker Posey? Congratulations on a show that is clearly growing in respect.
When I posted that photo of Iman, I was just guessing. I just picked out photos of any "supermodels" that appeared in the Getty photo archives with a Project Runway tag. Honest.
4. Did anyone watch that horrible Project Runway rip-off show called "The Cut?" This is something that Tommy Hilfiger would do. He would ask the contestants who THEY thought should be off. Basically the best strategy was just to repeat whatever the first person said. That way it would seem that everyone was in agreement. It was ridiculous. Anyway - here is my point: Chloe said "Santino." The rest said, "Chloe." (Yes, I understand it was because she admitted that she wan't sure that she really wanted it...) BUT who was off? KARA. Whom no one chose. So what was the point of even asking them this? Just to create drama? There's enough drama without manufacturing it!
5. I LOVE Austin. He is adorable. I want more Austin. Could we have "Project Austin" please? I think Nick is this season's Austin - the super-talented designer whom everyone loved and was cut too soon.
6. Michael Kors is really orange. I feel a limerick coming on....
7. It's always a highlight to see what Heidi will be wearing each week. I didn't think she could possibly be any more lovely and then I saw the new haircut. Thanks for always keeping things interesting for us, Heidi and for always changing and updating your look. You provide style tips and encouragement to pregnant women everywhere each time you step out from behind the scrim. Heidi Rocks!
8. BPR readers were of course, right about Kara being the decoy. Yet, her designs for Fashion Week were awesome. If only Kara had truly represented herself and done something like this: (or the lovely copper-skirted halter gown) for the episode, I'll bet she would have won.

As usual I am leaving numbers nine and ten for you, dear readers!
And Then There Were 3 ...

In the 'What's Your Line' challenge the designers were to create a gown to reflect their prospective Fall 2006 collection that they would show at Olympus Fashion Week.
Did they achieve that goal?
Click here for Daniel's collection.
Click here for Chloe's collection.
Click here for Santino's collection.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Here's An Interesting Poll...
Everyone Set For Tonight?
Our east-coast friends will be live-posting during the broadcast. There will be one thread for the "party" - where everyone is welcome to contribute. All of the posting will be in the comments section. West coast folks (like me) can read along. We can even post questions along the way for clarification. This week TBone will be joining the party. He was getting lonely over there on his own. : )
Tonight, BPR welcomes Matthew who will be live-posting in a second thread as one single voice. For those who want to just follow along in a cohesive sensible manner without a lot of confusion - this is for you. Of course, most of us will be switching back and forth!
Remember to be polite and to have fun. Invite your friends!
Who will be joining us?
More Runway in the News
First, People Magazine (Thanks Huda!):

And, click here for a column from the Sun-Sentinal from South Florida from a reporter that went to the Bryant Park show last Friday. Ah, he had a Gunn encounter along the way. I'm Verklempt! (Thanks Teresa!)
Santino at Red Lobster?
Season 2 Guessing Game
Ah, the things you can learn from Project Runway, The Magazine! See if you can guess who:
(highlight the line below each question to see the answers):
1. Ditched her training as an architect to design clothes.
2. One of his sisters was a fashion model in the 80's.
3. Finds inspiration from European fashion magazines like Hola!
4. Likes French-kissing and French fries.
5. Still listens to a favorite Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker album.
6. Decided to study fashion after seeing Dead Poets Society.
7. One of his favorite songs is Queen’s “Fat Bottomed Girls.”
8. Designed prom dresses before getting tapped for PR.
Predictions for tonight?
Most agree that her show was surprisingly excellent. Well, we will see tonight...
Meanwhile it's not too late to add your prediction here.
I'm going to add another option though - the "I can't tell who the decoy is" option. That would be my entry! If this is your opinion, please add it.
All four of these designers created fabulous collections for Fashion Week. No matter what happens tonight - congratulations to all!
Jay and Tim in TV Guide
Click on the articles to see a close-up version.

Project Runway Designers in "Out" Magazine
Also, Kara Saun is one of the designers showing at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Weekin Los Angeles March 19-23. (Thanks Gliterati for these items.)
Now, more fun from the Project Runway magazine! Thanks AJ!
Hair and Make-up 1
Hair and Make-up 2
Meltdown highlights
Daniel's Comments
Baby Game
Wait...Is that EMMETT?
Jay and Fans
Okay - that's it for now - more later!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Is It Rebecca Romijn? Iman? Carol Alt?

Let's see who is at this party with Heidi and Michael Kors on August 25, 2005. Why it's Debra Messing and Rebecca Romijn... Hmmmmmm.... Didn't someone say that one of the finale models looked a lot like Rebecca? Hmmmmmm...Look who is at the Season Two Premiere party on December 7th... Iman! And Carol Alt.... Hmmmmm... Supermodel central!

The Latest....

Thanks to the great folks at Open All Night Media for these photos.
Here is a link to their site and their coverage of the show.
Second, I'm hearing lots of speculation about "So-and-so has revealed the top three" or "So-and so has inadvertantly revealed who is auf this week." Well, first of all, there are lots of conflicting reports. And second, at BPR, we don't really want to know! So, please don't spoil our fun. Yes, it's fun to guess as long as you don't really know for sure. If you do know for sure, it's not really guessing is it? I am really admiring the producers of the show right now for keeping us guessing and I hope I will be guessing until the very end. Don't you? I just want to enjoy things from here on out.
I have a couple of messages that Project Runway is mentioned in People magazine and also in WWD and the March issue of Out. BPR reader, Bill S. shares, "As one of the gay fans, I enjoyed it especially knowing that Chloe's designer influence is "Anyone that is gay, of course." : )
Does anyone have these magazines? Could you transcribe (or scan) them for us and e-mail to kluless7@cox.net?