An alert BeePeR spotted this dress on Rihanna during Tuesday night's "Last Call With Carson Daly" show. She thought it looked like a Kara Janx design, but I thought I should confirm. Here is the note from Kara:
This is in fact a Kara Janx, I was as shocked as you! Apparently it is the super hip hop star Rihanna. A stylist had picked it up at my PR firm and voila.
Thank you Sophie, and thank you Kara. It's adorable!
It's funny, the first thing I thought of when I saw her in this dress was that she looked adorable! I mean, that really IS the word to describe Rihanna in wearing this.
You guys are way cooler that I am... I saw that name and the only thing that registered was the Fleetwood Mac song - Rhiannon! Well, I'm sure my kids know who this is!
Rihanna is working that dress and I love how Kara seams (pun intended) to get so much publisity. I love all of her effeminte designs and they look most flattering on everyone that wears her ensombles.
If you were to ask me in early March whose designs out of the Final 4 we would be seeing the most of after Season 2, Kara would have been my last choice.
I couldn't be happier for her.
And THIS is why I hope they keep the decoy-collection for Season 3. It certainly kept people interested at the time, didn't it?
Kara's was my favorite collection!
-- desertwind
Laura K, my associations are the same as yours! :P But I totally love the dress -- will need to count my pennies to see if I can get one this fall.
As I write this, I'm singing Rhiannon in my head, Laura K!!! She looks wonderful in this dress and it's totally wearable on the street, too. I'm so glad that Kara is getting recognition she deserves and doing so well.
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