These are more photos from Dianne C of the Banana Republic store in Rockefeller Center that features the winning garment from Project Runway each week. She gives us some great wide shots here so that we can see exactly what Banana likes in a window display. Thanks again, Dianne!
I love the windows...it reminds me of being back in design school and seeing all of the upper class boards displayed in the hallway :)
Where exactly is this Banana Republic in Manhattan? I'd like to go see it!
Rockefeller Center - I will edit the post to include this info - thanks!
Why isn't that mannequin wearing any shoes?
i think the font and angle is making the 'e' look like it's not fully there. look at the word challenge above it.
why no shoes on the mannequin? why not? where's going? ;)
they just did a poor job of putting the letters on there. a lot of the letters are wiggly or missing parts. how can they judge other people's windows when they can't even do their own? for shame, banana.
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