Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Everyone Set For Tonight?

Just in case we have some newbies, I'll review things for tonight.

Our east-coast friends will be live-posting during the broadcast. There will be one thread for the "party" - where everyone is welcome to contribute. All of the posting will be in the comments section. West coast folks (like me) can read along. We can even post questions along the way for clarification. This week TBone will be joining the party. He was getting lonely over there on his own. : )

Tonight, BPR welcomes Matthew who will be live-posting in a second thread as one single voice. For those who want to just follow along in a cohesive sensible manner without a lot of confusion - this is for you. Of course, most of us will be switching back and forth!

Remember to be polite and to have fun. Invite your friends!

Who will be joining us?


Anonymous said...

If the parental units don't kick me off before the show comes on at 10, I'll be here. Unfortunately, they've caught me every time, usually 5 minutes before it's set to come on. So count me as a maybe =)

<33, Alyssa

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Thank you Mr. Cableman!

New York had a big blizzard this weekend that knocked out my cable at home--I was actually having anxiety that I wouldn't have computer access duringing the show.

Count me IN now.

Jan the Dan Fan said...

And aj--are we drinking tonight?

AJ said...

jrt, we are seriously sharing a brain! I'm convinced!

I did a paper/project on Rothko during design school! That was over four years ago though so I don't remember, but funny, no?

LMAO @ a...I seriously just giggled audibly at that.

jan, I'm fresh out of wine...I bet I could whip up a mixed drink or two, and there's always beer;)

I'm going to be in and out probably...won't stay past the show cuz I'm TIRED!!

FancyPants said...

This is tough out here on the West Coast-do I blog along or wait until 10 PST? The suspense is killing me!

AJ said...

Yeah, I really enjoyed the work I did on him even though I tend to prefer art deco, modernism and abstract. The simplicity of his art was stunning. I'm usually drawn to compicated art such as Escher but working on something about Rothko enlightened me into the beauty of minimalism.

AJ said...

LOL! I another thread I'm talking to Jan about Lost. I know what you mean about minimalism though. I think my favorite though is Frank Lloyd Wright...he was insanely amazing!

AJ said...

Wright's design seem SO liveable! I went to Falling Water in PA ages ago and just completely fell in love. It was so eye-catching and beautiful yet so warm and inviting.

I don't know a heck of a lot about architecture, but love learning everything I can about art. I'm like a