Wednesday, February 22, 2006

This Post is for the Party!

I'll be home early tonight so I'll be able to join you. Have fun!


Tbone said...

Uh-Oh! Mom's coming to the party tonight....hide the hard stuff!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

We'll be so happy to have you join us Laura!
I don't have to worry about not paying attention to "Lost" this evening-repeat.
Watching "What's your line?" instead. Yah!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Ha! Tbone!

I'm drinking Mich Ultra's this evening-that's about as light as I go.

Tbone said...

Jan - I thought for sure it would be Heineken!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

It's what was left over from my daughter's birthday party this past weekend.
Four minutes to go...

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Here we go!!!
Can I just say how happy I am to have a laptop now???
Oh, and how happy I am that Daniel's in the Final Three!!!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

They're all arriving at the pre-party in order of elimination--it's the preview from the Bravo site so far....

H said...

!! I made it! I got cuaght in traffic & flipped out

H said...

!! I made it! I got cuaght in traffic & flipped out

Jan the Dan Fan said...

There's Andrae!!!

H said...

Kirsten's preggers! HUrray!

H said...

by the way, nice to meet you, Laura!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

So Tim and Heidi are the hosts of it. What's life been like since the show?

H said...

goody! a recap of the judges' awful comments!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

"They went like bagels"--Heidi in reference to Nick's Barbie's.

Jan the Dan Fan said...

What was that genie move????

H said...

Heidi is all babyless... I kind of miss it.

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Daniel is too adorable with the shorter haircut!

Ooh, they're starting off with the runway comments regarding who you would take to the Final Three. Poor Chloe.

Jan the Dan Fan said...

"I'm horrible"-Santino
They're showing all the taped rude comments that he said about everyone.

H said...

-I wanna go on the John Wade diet
-"they went like bagels?" did hedi have some awful bagel experience?
-Kara looks so pretty with all this makeup
-I said it before, I'll say it again: Danny V needs to eat something! He's skin & bones!
-Chloe's jacket = so adorable & a more sophisticated version of Chloe blue

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Is Lupe on crack? What was that shriek- "I love Santino!"

H said...

-Did Emmet dye his hair?
-Zulema is looking very model-esque
-How awkward would it be to be sitting next to Santino?

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Is this whole hour going to be about Santino???
Just what he would want.
Whan is my Daniel going to get air-time?
And... Where is AJ?

H said...

WAIT... Santino did WHAT to Chloe's fabric?

LauraK said...

Hi kids! Hey, could we have some DETAILS here, please?!? Some of us aren't watching the show, only getting the info from you guys! Does Heidi have the bob? Someone suggested that the bob was a WIG! Say it ain't so!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Welcome Laura!
First commercial--it's basically been all Santino. How mean he was to everyone and him saying that he didn't mean it all in a cruel way.
Andrae, the lamb, said "Sticks and stones...."

H said...

Does anyone think Heidi has hair extensions? It's only been a few months & her hair is ridiculously long.

Tbone said...

When you put it all together, Santino sounds worse than I even remember. And I've watched these episodes over and over...

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Defending yourself to the judges...
Tim says they were much more vocal than Season One.

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Project Talkback

Saeson One never talked back-Kors

LauraK said...

Is Lupe loopy? Ha ha I had to ask that!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

They're showing extra footage that we never saw of the judges. The designers were very much on the defensive.
It's all still Santino though....
Chloe and Daniel were actually just defending him and he talked over them. Ugh.

H said...

where's aj?


I adore the little zippy comments. "I understand that women don't leave the house looking like deer." Oh my gosh, Danny F critisized Santino on the runway?

Anonymous said...


Jan the Dan Fan said...

Lupe just acted stupid again, and Santino asked if they'd all been drinking.
Guess the Final Three didn't get to go to the pre-party.
Ha! Heidi can't understand what Lupe is trying to say--she's wasted!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

A look back at Andrae's meltdown.
Heidi was wondering if he took acting classes to bring on the emotions since he's from LA.

writingblind said...

Personally, I think Lupe is drunk. Personally.

Anonymous said...

The Santino bashing is making my night! But I'm definitely hoping for some Timpressions before the night is over.

H said...

not a frightening guy?

I would cross the street to avoid walking towards him because he looks like a criminal.

erin said...

is guadalupe on drugs?

Anonymous said...

only one so far.

ahhhh i love andrae!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Oh my--they have a clock going for Andrae's emotional disaster and it went on for almost ten minutes.

H said...

Thanks, loopy G, for not answering any real question.

erin said...

awwww.....andrae......i had no idea it went on for so long

LauraK said...

Have they asked any viewer questions yet?

Anonymous said...

OH MAN! I see some Zulema/Nick conflict in the future!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

I'm cracking up!!!
They just showed a montage of Andrae footage showing him skipping out of the doors.

Anonymous said...

I still think Andrae said it. And he made my night when he did because it broke the tension and made me laugh my ass off.

H said...

I don't even cry & go on like this in therapy... hi, Andre, you're my emotional hero.

You think we can watch the whole thing on the DVD?

Jan the Dan Fan said...

The mystery of "Where the hell is my chiffon?"
Did they answer it? Andrae just repeated it and it sounded the same. Maybe it was him and not Daniel pretending to be Andrae.
Mystery not solved.

H said...

laura k - yes... for Lupe but she didn't answer it really. We think she is wasted. Utterly smashed.

Tina Bean said...

Project CATFIGHT tonight.... rrrowrr!!

writingblind said...

They're asking the questions now

First question: Who said, "Where the hell is my chiffon?"

LauraK said...

Seriously, how did Lupe ever make it onto the show? Did anyone see anything decent from her at all? Even in the preview video? Anything?

Anonymous said...


Jan the Dan Fan said...

Commercial-fridge run!

Looks like the models are coming on. I want to hear more from the designers first!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

A Tim review.

Nick-respected him right away.

Marla-Tim has great eye.

Anonymous said...

Oh man! That clip reel just killed me.

I <3333333 Santino's Timpressions!!!

Jan the Dan Fan said...


I love Daniel's reactions and how he falls over laughing!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Zulema--basically showing that she is a schizo with a "tell-it-like-it-is-sister" split personality.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhhh no. Here comes the Nick and Zulema drama!

They showed Dan's motherfcuking walkoff clip again <333

Tbone said...

I like seeing the bonus footage that we didn't see on the show...

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Was the glass broken in the girls' apartment from a sloppy drunk Lupe?

H said...

-yay! timpressions! I love this! I seriously believe Santino could do Tim's podcast & no one would notice.

oh! & I dunno if anyone else talked about this yet, but on "E! True Hollywood Story: The Hilton Sisters" it showed that Nicky Hilton actually studied at Parson's... it would account for her interest.

Tbone said...

Zulema's altaer-ego: Shitangy??

Why did we never see any of this?

Jan the Dan Fan said...

My favorite quote!!!!

"It's a mother-f'ing walkoff!"

And here is Tarah and Rachel.

Tbone said...

Shitangy did save Kara in the BR challenge though...

Anonymous said...

I love the Rachel attitude!

erin said...

the mothereffing walkoff! i can't wait to see where this goes.

LauraK said...

In the most recent article Tim admits that he was not too fond of Daniel F or Zulema. Any evidence of this? Has Zulema said anything yet? Does everyone hate her?

Tbone said...

Rehashing the Zu walk-off drama...

Tbone said...

Hey - it's tarah and Rachael!!

writingblind said...

Tarah and Rachel are there

LauraK said...

You guys are cute, on the other post Matthew refers to her as "She-Tangy." We'll have to ask Zulema to clarify the spelling for us.

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Zulema and Rachal are blaming each other for their faults.
Rachel says-If Zulema had better designs than Rachel would have walked better.

Zu-If Rachel walked better than she wouldn't have changed maodels.

What came first-the chicken or the egg?

Anonymous said...

Completely off topic moment: They showed a RENT commercial. I'm singing at the top of my lungs right now =)

By the way, I've never been to one of these parties before and I apologize if I'm being a pain in the ass.

LauraK said...

Are they going to review the "elongated marshmallow" thing. Because that was mean. Tim should apologize.

Tina Bean said...

Mean, yes - but the 'elongated marshmallow-stiff walking-gumby legs' picture over on fourfour was truly priceless!!

Tbone said...

Matthew's being kind, LK. From what I just heard Zu tell poor rachael, my spelling seems more appropriate!

writingblind said...

They showed it as part of a Tim montage but you couldn't tell who he was talking about

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Ooh-good question Laura.

Not sure if the models will still be there after this commercial break.

Tbone said...

Rachael -"if you're gonna make me put up with that S*** at least send out a bangin' outfit"

Atta girl!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Commercial for the next episode!!!
Love this!
Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Dan Franco is straight!

Wasn't there a fight over who was the straight guy a few weeks ago?

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Showing "interview" footage of everyone being nasty about each other.
Heidi said--didn't you guys know that we would be showing this?

Tbone said...

First Bravo question was from Arianne? Ariel? anyone catch that?

Jan the Dan Fan said...

No one said anything mean about my Daniel. He's just perfect. Hee!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Marla-"It was painful." Watching the episodes and seeing what people thought.

Anonymous said...

Whoa. They're singing. I'm DYING.

Tbone said...

Great Heidi S. clip! "What's that Ray-moondo ? Where's he from?"

After seeing that, I wish she had gone a little farther...

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Musical Expressions

Lighten up it's just fashion!

Holy cow!!!! They need to release a seperate DVD--Project Runway: The Musical.

This is the best!!!

erin said...

daniel v is such a sweetheart. way to support marla.

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Daniel Franco--where did you go?
See you on Season 3!

Performed by Santino and Nick

erin said...

all of this singing footage is hilarious! i need to get the dvd when it's released.

Anonymous said...

"I love you Heidi"

I've always thought DF had a thing for Heidi, esp. after the lingere episode

Jan the Dan Fan said...


I love you Heidi--Daniel Franco to Heidi with tears welling up in his eyes.

A bit uncomfortable. Maybe drinks shouldn't have been served beforehand.

writingblind said...

Daniel Franco, where did you go?

Tbone said...

Q from Brigitte and Mary - why did you score Santino's lingerie higher?

DF - with tears, "I love you Heidi"


Anonymous said...

For Laura =)

Q: WHy was Santino's lingere graded higher than Dan F's?

A: Santino was more out there, Dan's was too safe.

Tim asked if Dan would be back for Season 3. Dan said maybe. Told Heidi he loved her. Awkward silence.

Twas interesting.

Tbone said...

I hope the DVD gives us more ofthese bonus clips. The Nick?Santino DF musical was hilarious. Can't believe we didn't see that...

H said...

Oh, Danny F, you make me smile.

LauraK said...

What was the comment guys? I'm dyin' here!

Anonymous said...

I don't want it to be over =(

That was a pretty good episode. They only had like 3 viewer questions, though, which kinda sucked.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to bed. It's 11 at night, I'm gonna be cranky tomorrow. Night everyone!

LauraK said...

Does anybody want to stay up and watch Project Jay?

AJ said...

awwww, you guys!

Here I am:)

I got home at 9:30 and hadn't eaten dinner so I just camped out in the living room (no copmuter) with my mom...we were DYING during the musical part and Andrae rubbing all over the doors!

The reunion was too funny...and Loopy Lupe (that's what my mom called her) whatever you are on, I hope you didn't