The Grand Prize Winner in BPR's very first contest has received her prize. Nick Verreos graciously volunteered to autograph this Barbie for Marcia. An avid doll collector, Marcia is thrilled.
I just wanted to let you know that the Project Runway Barbie has arrived safely, and I'm so happy to have her! I was delighted to see that Nick included his congratulations along with his autograph - what a nice thing to do!
Thank you Nick, and thanks again Marcia and to ALL of our talented designers for your fabulous entries.
Hmmmm... maybe it's time for another contest. Any ideas?
Congrats Marcia!!!
I love the look of your own doll-and it took me by surprise to see how tall she is compared to the Barbie.
Gamine looks great in that Kara Janx kimono!
I love that idea, Valsauce.
I second the motion for the idea of a sonf for :Project Runway the Musical.
WoW,,,the barbie clothes are beautiful...
Congratulation, Marcia!!!!
I really think this blog give much to me.
You guys will run competition here,, how exciting!
This really give much colour to this blog!!!
Mandy from HK
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