Submit your requests for Project Runway avatars (no profanity, please) and I'll create them on a first come, first served basis. Tell me the character and/or phrase of your choice. Each day during this limited offer you'll find the new avatars in a fresh post. Your avatars will already be hosted so that you can direct-link to them. You'll just click on the avatar of your choice, copy the URL and then add it to your Blogger profile.
Let's make it work
Awesome. Thanks Scarlett! I'm going to be listening v-e-r-y carefully tomorrow night for a new favorite catch phrase!
Ooooh... How about "Full Andrae Fan?" No, I'm not committing yet. Mine will definitely feature Tim!
Scarlett - I would like a Chloe that says "Fa real"
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Anything with Daniel would make me so happy!!!
Love the "It's a mf'ing walk off," line, but I know we have to keep them G-rated.
Ooh - also one that says "You will see me at Fashion Week"
A Tim Gunn avatar with one of Tim's taglines. ("Make it work", "carry on", etc.)
How about 'Daynja-Post No Bulls" or "Huh-larious!"
Thanks, Scarlett!
Laura ... Full Andrae Fan or Full Dan Fan?
Neither - I'm thinking.... It has to be Tim... Carry on? Make it work? I'm verklempt?
How about "What happened to Andrae?"
That's my quote 'o the moment;)
My favorite was Santino yelling "where the HELL is my chiffon??" during the whole mannequin-stealing *thing*.
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