Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Fresh Avatars

Here are some animations that I created by request.

Again, for a limited time I'm creating avatars that combine your favorite phrases with your favorite Project Runway character. Make your requests (no profanity please) and I will make Blogger-ready avatars that are already hosted so that you can direct link to them. Just click on the avatar of your choice, copy the URL and paste it in your Blogger profile.

Carry on.


LauraK said...

Thanks Scarlett, these are fabulous! I've chosen mine!

Marsha said...

OMG, these are a scream!!!

Tbone said...

Scarlett - you are simply brilliant!

The Scarlett said...

Mod, I have no idea what it was! I just gave the person what they wanted in the same way I spelled 'Danger' and 'Bills' that way on Kara's.

Anonymous said...

It is chiclets, it's a brand name of gum that children sell on the beaches in Mexico. After Nick was done talking to Nicky Hilton, he made the comment that he felt like one of those kids on the beach, "Hey lady, buy my Chiclets." Thanks Scarlett so much for making these!

Jan the Dan Fan said...

Thank you Scarlett!!!

Let's see if I can figure this out again now.

Jan the Dan Fan said...


Thank you again Scarlett!
Just what I wanted. And this is a nice cheer-up after last night's show.

Sam said...

You are the best! Thanks so much.