Andrae as The Riddler? Hmmmmmm - I can sort of see it, Thanks Anonymous.
Next - once and for all - it's ARION. ARION. Not Aryan. Not Arian. Not Arianne. It's ARION. Okay any idea how to spell Shetangy? And no, I don't think there's an "i" in it - thanks. Can we go with Shetangy? What do you think? : )
Meanwhile here is a great article about our favorite show from the Seattle Post/Intelligencer. Thanks Wendie. Diana is selling her scarves, and here is part two of an excellent Tim Gunn interview.
Wow, Tim has had some serious heartbreak. I'm with him, sometimes relationships are just too traumatic for us "new souls".
I feel bad for Tim. Its has to suck to have a relationship end like that.
But I don't think Andrae is right for him. I think he would slowly go nuts over Andraes antics....he is comical for sure, but I could not imagine living with them.
Memo to Tim, I love Andrae but he isn't for you.
I believe in soul mates ... and I think that Tim will have to find his with another new soul.
And personally, I think it is Shetangy.
OK, fine. Even though I prefer Shetangi for something as exotic as a multiple personality (and I mourn the auf of Nick too), I'll go with Shetangy.
I spell Shetangy as "Shtangi"
I think that gives it more of an African and attitude-esque flair.
I don't think Andrae is right either. You know, Santino has already played this out for us. There's the age difference, the uncomfortable public argument, lobster in the lap. It would be a mess.
But Tim is too good of a man to leave this life without true love. Open your heart, Tim, he's out there if you'll let him in!
To whoever broke Tim Gunn's heart:
desertwind thinks it should be spelled "Sh'tangi".
(the apostrophe is just an apostrophe and NOT and substitute for "i", btw...)
revised: Sh'Tangi
*ahem* Tim/Emmett anyone?
come on people!! remember!
both super classy.
both in the same age-ish range.
friends to...? yeeeah.
*on another note*
yes. I'm back. Finally.
School was kicking my butt and I had to disappear for a bit. sorry.
Hehe, I had the same thought about Tim and Emmett. Tim seemed to beam with such approval when Emmett spoke at the reunion show, but it's probably just a feeling of respect and pride in a former student.
Anyway, it looks like Emmett and Andrae have already gotten together, well at least for a very cute photo op on Diana's page (go to link and scroll down) http://home.comcast.net/~populartransit/poptrans/newframeset.htm
Oops, my link didn't work, but just go to Diana's blog, and the picture of Emmett and Andrae is below the scarf entry.
Thanks for the link to the Tim interview - I was waiting for it!
This just fuels my "Zulema is more evil than Santino" theory.
Wow-what a powerful interview. It's interesting to see the vulnerability in a man who seems so strong. Tim, I hope someday you do find the soul mate that is out there for you somewhere, because you deserve it.
On the other hand-Sh'tangi or Shetangy-now there's a soul who needs to come back as her own model, LOL. Man, wish we had seen those moments during the season, huh? You know, when she was auffed and everyone was sitting around quiet-take a look at Chloe's expression. Tim said "Quiet room-It's getting more intense" and I thought "They're waiting till she goes to celebrate, LOL!!"
Most likely, the main reason Santino was portrayed as THE villain of this season was because Zulema wouldn't allow her more insane moments to be filmed. Put that against someone who is flamboyant almost to the point of licking the canera lens, and you give the show editors limited choices.
I mean "flamboyant" in a good way, if Santino is reading this (as he's a foot and a half taller than I am and could squish me like a bug)!
Okay, anonymous/desertwind, I totally laughed about the apostrophe. I'm kind of warming up to Sh'tangi.
The more I think about it, the more I'd like Tim to find love. It troubles me to imagine him alone.
Zulema treated her model like a voodoo doll with all the pins and whatnot. She made Tarah look kind of like a crazy ragdoll (still cute though).
This definition sounds appropriate:
shetenge (shu tang ay), n.: a garment worn by Zambian women, consisting of a long piece of cotton wrapped around the body with one end tucked in at the waist
Source: http://www.theonegrand.com/archives/000059.html
geekygirrl - you don't happen to have a rabbit boiling up in a pot now, do you?
i think shetangy begins with a 'b' and ends with an itch
im good with Nick's version- "She crazy!?"
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