Kara The Amazing Decoy
It really was remarkable how different the opinions were regarding the Final 4 Fashion Week collections. Looking at the pictures alone, no one could say for sure who the decoy was! Most of that credit has to go to Kara and the incredible passion and energy she put into her work.
Andy's Blog has a nice interview up today with Kara about her Fashion Week collection. How about a little BPR love to Kara Janx and her amazing run?
I've said it before, but I'm so glad that Kara got to show at Fashion Week. I didn't know she had all that funk and sass in her!
I think the pressure of the Project Runway environment hindered her vision as a designer. I hope that she's able to branch out from this point and make a name for herself.
That, and who knew she was so funny?! Much love to Kara:)
I thought she did a great job and really showed her use of color. I wouldn't have guessed her to be the decoy based upon that collection.
Kara, your line is gorgeous! We'll be watching you!
Best wishes on your engagement too. Who is designing your gown?
I loved her sensibilities as we saw more and more of her-calling everyone Babe and Baby, talking about sleeping the day away with immunity, helping Chloe and her description of shaving Santino. I think her FW show exceeded expectations, indeed making it to the final four exceeded expectations and she did it and remained true to herself and a good person.
Congratulations to Kara on a beautiful collection. She sure looked like a winner to me!
I loved her collection. It surprised the heck out of me, because other than her flower dress, I hadn't loved anything she had produced, other than her niceness to other people.
Good for her, is what I say. You go, Kara!
(I'm still mad at you, though, for saying Chloe should go. That was mean! You knew better than anyone that Santino's clothes were shoddily constructed! And off the mark! You'd best be 'splainin' yourself on that reunion show!)
Kara totally won me over in the end. I hope the future holds big things for her.
Kara's show was the best! I'm glad she got a chance to show her stuff.
I love Kara's collection & love her bohemian sensibilities. Going back & watching all of the challenges on PR start to finish she did some great things (with the exception of the tube dress). I'm so glad she made it to FW so that I could get a feel for her vision completely because I didn't expect to love it so much.
Not only did I love Kara's collection - her mindset through the whole PR process was so healthy - she was always true to herself and kind to her fellow designers.
If I wasn't so financially crunched, I'd so purchase one of her kimono dresses. So classy!
I'm sure with her drive and talent, she'll go far!!
(I'd love to see her wedding dress too!!!)
the pics of kara's work at OFW are outstanding. i loved them so more power to her.
I absolutely LOVED the turquiose/ bronze halter dress that Kara showed at Fashion Week and actually have been considering having something similar made for my wedding dress.
Kara, I think you did a FAB job at Fashion Week and you should be proud of your collection.
Wanna make my wedding dress? ;)
(Congrats on your engagement!!)
Kara's runway show was by far and away the best of the four! Fantastic to see someone take what she learned on the show and put it into action with such verve and joie de vivre!! And to think I thought Santino was the decoy....
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