They laugh. They cry. They cry and cut. They cry on the runway. Imagine the walk-off scene! Oh, and the tearful auf wiedersehens are Broadway moments waiting to happen!
Memo to Heidi Klum:
We already have the songs ... "Lighten Up It's Just Fashion!" ... "Daniel Franco, Where Did You Go?" ... "Tim Gunn, Tim Gunn, If He Calls Your Name You're Done" ... "What's the Matter With Andrae?" ... "Kara the Overlock Downer" ... "Don't Let Emmett On the Serger." You have a ready audience. We just need you to produce this.
Your fans at BPR
Oh, and wouldn't this make a nice stop on the BPR tour of NYC?
wow..i must really be obsessed with this show because i just read this post and was really thinking "man i would love to see project runway- the musical." what is wrong with me!?
by the way.. i was watching the reunion show on the computer thursday night and found it to be one of my favorite episodes.. i was laughing out loud at the flamboyant clips of andrae!!
thanks to laura k. and the others for making this blog so fun to read. it's marked in my "favorites" folder. :o)
Opening Scene: Designers frantic in the work room, rushing to meet deadline. A voice cries from offstage: "Where the H*** is my chiffon?" Tim Gunn enters stage left: "What happened to Andrae?" Cue music, opening number.
Anyone care to continue? We could write this thing before the day is up!
Cue Andrae rolling all over the walls in a dramatic entrance then saying something British like "Cherio (sp?) Tim! How are you old chap?"
I'm just seeing this thing as SERIOUSLY exaggerated! LOL
Cue lights go down, dramatic music (a la Phantom) and She-tangy/Zulema enters the workroom shouting "You got to cry and cut, I don't care if you cry, but you got to cut at the same rate as you cry!" Buh-wha-ha-ah!!
Enter Santino... tiger shirt, army jacket, plaid hat... Embraces Zulema for the big dramatic dance number - "The She-tangy Tango." Andrae cuts in....
Shetangy exits as Andrae ends the tango in Santino's arms.
Music begins to speed up and we're suddenly launched into the "Lighten Up, It's Just Fashion" tap dance!
During the tap dance the designers get the models ready for the runway..a frenzy of hair and makeup...and the first runway begins as the models strut to the runway theme music (that is played every episode).
Michael Crawford dressed as the Phantom of Parsons swings in on a chandelier, singing along, which shatters the chandelier and sends crystals flying everywhere. This delights Santino, who runs around gluing the shattered pieces to every one of his designs, because feathers and trim aren't tacky enough, and he needs to add more whickety-whack.
The Phantom of Parsons says he has a new challenge for the designers: he has written an opera and is threatening mayhem if they don't design costumes for it.
( Does the BPR Crew get VIP seats? I want first row for this show!!! And backstage access--but I'm not stalking, I swear!)
Phantom of Parsons - brilliant! Santino would so win that challenge.
Jan - any suggestions on who we should cast in the role of "Dan"?
tbone--let me think about that one. He's has such unique features... I'd of course love to see him on stage--he did teach dance, did he not?
He'd be the choreographer!!!
I have been singing "Daniel Franco where did you go..."
all day.. its crazy..
I really love BPR site (even better than the offical PR site). The musical is a great idea, i am sure looking forward to see it (on YOUTUBE.com maybe?). Thanks, laura for a great site.
yeah and it could all happen in a giant tv. and um i could walk on with the remote to turn the tv on and off. yeah yeah that's the ticket. lol
sounds good to me.
I actually wrote some lyrics for "Don't let Emmett on the serger" so that I could sing more than just those 4 lines in the shower...Hehe
OK, maybe off-off-Broadway . . . but I would definitely see this!
The boys begin, "Daniel Franco, Where Did You Go?" The girls join and then Daniel F enters for his big number. The music segues into a shuffle and we see the Daniel begins the "Daniel Franco Shuffle" number. This number is carefully choreographed: forward, pin, now back, crouch, look and spin! Everyone joins in - then they pair up. (Use your imaginations for the partners...) Forward, pin, back, crouch, look and spin... Daniel is still dancing solo until Heidi enters. He reaches for her to join him in the dance....
This was the best part of the recap and I'm glad I'm not the only one stuck on the Daniel Franco song.
Maybe this has been mentioned before, but doesn't Andrae remind you of the guy who played the Riddler on the old Batman series?
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