Dear Emmett,
We at Blogging Project Runway are in universal agreement that there was "Not Enough Emmett" in the Reunion Show! You looked fabulous. How are things going?
Have you been able to watch any of the Olympic Figure Skating? : )
Laura Kluvo
Dear Laura:
Was I really on Project Runway or was it a decoy?
I watched yesterday the reunion show and l think l said maybe 5 words!
They focused on the dramatic designers, Andre, Daniel Franco, Santino and not enough on the others.
It is TV.
You are so sweet to say: not enough Emmett.
I am busy working on my newsletter so hopefully you can give me your feedback.
I am in complete agreement! Not enough EMMETT!!!!!
and what a nice response!
Seriously not enough Emmett!
And you're totally right Laura, he looks great! Nice hair color and a bit thinner, no?
If he needs volunteers to give feedback on the newsletter, count me in;) It would be far more interesting then anything I'm proofing here at work!
Emmett is so correct-we would have loved to hear more from the others, not just the drama queens (no pun intended). Even Daniel V. didn't get a lot of air time, Emmett, Kara, Diana-and I would have loved to hear more from those who left early, too. Why didn't they ask you how you felt about Santino being *saved* in the ice skating challenge? We love you, Emmett!!
Emmett is just lovely. The next time I head into the city, I plan on stopping at his store!
I would have loved to hear more from him.
I can't wait to see Emmett's newsletter. Oh, I'm getting the serious itch to make the trek into the Big Apple.
I can totally make a fool out of myself hanging around the PR haunts acting like a complete reality show fan geek!
Could we have a Not Enough Emmett Avatar, Scarlett?
i love emmett, but i liked the white hair better. it was more distinguishing.
did you see diana's 'fashion nerd' pin during the reunion show? she's wearing it proudly :)
I'm one of those that wanted more Emmett. I wonder if Emmett said more or if he was a victim of editing! I also wonder if he was just politely waiting his turn and if before he knew it, the reunion was over!
He looks strangely hot in that avatar Scarlett...nice job!
Thanks for the great avatar, Scar!
I'd like to chime in with the not enough Emmett crowd!
And not enough Diana or Kara either!
begging your pardon from going slighly off topic (no offense to Emmett, who is worthy of all praise).
I came to this website hoping to find some commentary on Guadalupe's rather strange comments on the reunion show last night. Anyone know what was up with that?
ah! how do you manage to contact all the designers? i'd really like to write them all letters
Yaaaay Emmett! :D
Seriously, after he gets his shop sorted, he really should consider writing a book sharing his anti-aging secrets. He looks fantastic!
Can I start the "Not Enough Daniel V" chant???
I know, I know, he'll hopefully be a third of next week's show. : )
Emmett's so great to respond to you, and honestly too. Wish we heard more from everyone-other than Santino. And I think I heard enough from Loopy Lupe too.
LOVED the Emmett. His ice skating costume provided my fiance with a quote from Anne Slowey that he often uses to get me to laugh...(at the quote, not the costume. I actually liked it!)
But honestly, Emmett seemed like one of the few on PR who wasn't out to backstab and create all kinds of meaningless drama, and I can't help but respect that.
Thanks for providing a touch of class to PR. ;)
Emmett rocks and is amazingly talented! Not enough Emmett, indeed! Thanks so much for pointing this out.
Hey, anonymous just travel down the page a bit. There is one choice post with a t-shirt and then check the comments in the "reactions to Reunion" post.
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