Hi everybody! Mom's home. I'm catching up on the mail and there are lots of great things to post - TOO MANY!
First is this great interview with Tim and Daniel Vosovic in The Daily Transom. Thanks Florrie and Karen.
Next, here is a report on Tim's appearance on Conan last night. Please feel free to add your own comments. Did anyone record this?
Hi Laura and company,
I caught Tim on Conan's show last night (of course!). He was so charming and funny. Conan said his wife got him watching the show and that he was amazed with how talented and quick the designers were with each challenge. And of course he threw in some Heidi "in" and "out" impressions. Tim was so lovable, especially when he recounted the two times he'd come across Conan in the past -- the first like 12 (!) years ago in a Tower Records and the second last year at the Emmy's I think. Tim even remembered what Conan was wearing -- in 1994! Sadly, the interview seemed to go by quickly, but both of them were so funny and had obvious respect for each other and a lovely rapport. Also, I think Conan wanted to make sure he looked especially stylish for Tim -- and he really did look snazzy. I love them both! They are a fun duo.
~ Celia
Next, Trish reminds us that there is a PR marathon on today including Project Jay. I'm watching the evening gown challenge right now. Oh, hold on, Tim just entered....this is where Tim reveals that Iman is the guest judge... they need to "Continue their trajectory." Have I mentioned that I love Tim? Okay - I can go on now....
Kenneth Fron was thrilled to see that Kara Janx wore a piece of his jewelry at a GLAAD event. Here is a link to more photos of Kara and Daniel Vosovic at the event. Thanks Kenneth!
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