I can't tell you how pleasant a surprise it was to receive the link about how the "gutter water dress" fared in your reader's poll. I'm absolutely overwhelmed to receive this kind of recognition. Fashion is, indeed, a mercurial business of disparate tastes and inclinations, and I have grown so accustomed to being a designer with selective, marginal appeal. After this poll I should, perhaps, start changing my perspective. There are so many days when we all feel like dirty water in the gutter. Today you gave me the chance to feel like a gown with a train.
thank you again,
Andrae Gonzalo
Thanks Andrae - we have great love and respect for you!
Can't help but adore Andre. I fell deeply for him after seeing the revolving door montage.
What a sweetie.
Sighhhh... He's such a sweetheart!
i love him so much, in fact, andrae and i were hanging out in my dream last night! i also loved that santino said "he's our little lamb." there is something so dear and emotional in andrae and then, well, he's fabulously talented! i don't want to say goodbye to season two!
Oh dearest Andrae,
Will you go to the Red Lobster with me?
It's lobsterfest at the Red Lobster!
There's Andrae!
If there was a vote for "Mr. Congeniality" for this contest, you would win hands down. Love your personality, your style, your commitment to your own eyes, your sweetness to all the other participants and of course your 3 dimensional expressive movement. ;)
Best of everything,
Aaww -- I thought the "gutter water" dress was outstanding -- and Andrae also takes 1st place in the "best comeback" category! How lovely and gracious of him to write BPR with this note!
i want andrae to dramatically burst through my door, drape himself against my wall, dress me in one of his fabulous designs, and then disappear mysteriously into the night... and then show up again the next day to grab a cup of coffee or a handful of caramels or something.
Andrae! You are such a sweet special soul! It was great seeing you on the reunion and the first part of the finale. Good luck to you in everything you do. The "gutter water" dress was stunning!!!!
He's postively cerebral!
He'll be remembered on the show as a notable person. One of reasons why this season was so much fun.
I love Andrae!
He is the sweetest soul and I'm so glad that Tbone took the time to e-mail him so that he would know of our love for his beautiful garment. I'm thrilled, too, that he wrote back because it means he knows that his dress won without a doubt with an overwhelming percentage of the votes.
And, Jennipah, Andrae would totally have caramels.
What a lovely note. I grew to like Andrae so much during his time on PR. I loved at his end, when he said how when he was on the show, he felt like an angel, whose feet barely touched the ground. So sweet.
Aw. I love Andrae. He really is our little lamb.
Oh how exciting! A personal message from Andrae!
I agree with everyone who said that he has such a sweet soul. He just really seems to be living his life in such a positive way and it's wonderful to watch. He just seems genuinely happy all the time and is touched so deeply by his art.
Andrae, you are a wonderful designer and a joy to watch...I wish the best for you and hope you that this experience will help you realize your dreams.
Oh Andrae, how I love thee with your little "Ain't gonna sew no mo, no mo". It was like Porgy and Bess, only with sewing machines! And to think, I already adored you.
Yes, it's true about the gutter water dress, by the way. When Dan V's "orchid" outfit got selected I was perplexed. I mean, how many women would *want* to have a blouse designed like that, even if they could (and most of us ladies CAN'T) pull off that look? Ah well!
Much appreciation to you!
No more blogger name, but you can find me online as "ingenuemuse"
Andrae, you have really inspired, amused and touched many PR fans. Your warmth, gentle character, humor and as Jay put it "demeanor" have really endeared yourself to us. And-your designs rock! I have said (ad nauseum) that I would have loved to see you in the final 3 as I think you would have had a knockout collection. Thanks for putting yourself out there. We look forward to seeing and hearing great things from and about you.
I just adore you Andrae! You have been my favorite contestant on Project Runway of any season.
What a beautifully written, concise sentiment he wrote. That Andrae's got the goods all over the place! He should really try acting too.
There are just no words to express how much I adore you Andrae. You seem like such a sweet person. I wish you could have been in the final three. I would have loved to have seen a collection from you. Although, Santino is my favorite, so you can just imagine how excited I was when he picked you to work with him. Can't wait to see that play out. Stay sweet and true to yourself and I just know you will find true success and happiness!
After the first episode, when Andrae broke down on the runway, I thought, "What a mess!"
But it was such a joy to see him settle into himself over the course of the other episodes. His confidence seemed to soar, and he just kept turning out one beautiful dress after another.
I am so glad that he's alive and in the world.
I've grown very fond of Andrae over the course of the season. What sealed the deal for me was the reunion show in which he apologized to Emmett for thinking him selfish. It takes a mature and wise person to admit they were wrong on national television. Andrae is a class act all the way!
Oh, I heart Andrae!
Talented, eloquent, and always with the most entertaining of facial expressions!
The gutter water dress was poetry, and Andrae is pure class. Nothing but good things should happen to him.
aw that was so great. he should know that his is the most popular outcome in the "which pr 2 designer are you quiz".
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