Just thinking about that decoy ...
Yes, I know it's not about Kara at this point. But I'm still wondering about Kara's Fashion Week show. I'm also wondering if she was told to create thirteen ensembles orginally when the others were told twelve. Or did she, too, have to scramble at Mood to find another fabric to mingle with her collection? If so, did she get to select someone to help her? Was she really prepared last night to help a contestant since she had a show of her own to ready? Was she in that workroom that we saw last night just for drama?
Here's something else that I noticed when viewing the fashion week show ... Kara was the only one that didn't use 'her' model as the finale of the collection and that stands out now. Was that a hint that hers was the decoy ... or was it just by chance?
Anyway, we'd love to talk to Kara about these issues and more. And we'd love to hear from Tim, Heidi, Michael Kors and Nina Garcia their opinion of her collection.
Wasn't there an interview with her that said she had the same benefits and constraints they did? I think you posted a link to it last month....
Ooh, I hope we hear back from Kara about this.
I'm assuming she had the same budget; her collection looked too good to be done on the cheap.
At first I thought there would be no point in having her complete her 13th look at the last minute. But now I think the producers wouldn't have taken the chance of word getting out. I don't know if they had contact with each other during their "time off" but what if Kara were talking to Chloe and accidently let it slip that she was working on 13 looks.
I can't believe they would have forced Kara to help someone else while she was getting her own collection ready. She was probably just there for effect.
Kara's collection was great! Since everyone knew that Kara was the decoy at this point, the "top three" designers surely wouldn't have expected Kara to help with their "final designs." Realistically, Kara must have been going through the same things that they were - last minute adjustments and fittings, locating accessories, etc.
The only clue that we had that hers was the decoy was the fact that she had fewer of the PR models - and that wasn't even a dead giveaway, but just a hint. I do wonder how Kara selected her models.... Whether she had the same restraints and requirements or not - her collection rocked. Go Kara!
Thirteen looks, but only twelve hats....the plot thickens....
It was the Friends of Reality TV interview where Kara mentioned that she had the same budget and similar restrictions except for time.
It was very curious that they did not address Kara's decoy line at all last night. We all knew she was there, she had to have been working her fanny off on it. Why not acknowledge the fact on the show?
And it would have been interesting to see who she would have picked to help her with the 13th look also. I still think if she had the same budget, let her be judged on equal footing like the others.
It will be very unjust if they don't acknowledge her at all next week.
I don't think they told Kara about the 13th look. But it is possible that they just supplied Kara with an extra look that wasn't really hers.
Is it possible that the decoy collection had a decoy look?
sorry if this is totally random and if it's been addressed before but the hen in me is dying to know!
i don't know if daniel's been wearing that ring on his ring finger of his left hand the entire season but i JUST noticed it! is this glorious specimen of a man taken by another (hopefully also beautiful) man?
am absolutely dying to find out
MAYBE, just maybe, this will be addressed in Tim's Take!
Now, I too, was pretty sure there were originally 12 looks for Kara!! I wonder if they told her 13 from the start so she was prepared but knew the twist when they were taping the reunion, which might account for her *deer in the headlights* look during the show. I can't think that they would have made the poor final 3 sit there and tape when they suddenly had an extra look to prepare-they would have been too worked up to really participate in the interview, no? Hmm-so when was this twist introduced in relation to the reunion?
According to Nick's blog, they taped the Reunion episode on Wednesday evening, February 8. I'm thinking that they gave the 13th look "surprise" on Thursday morning, Feb. 9th. (Lupe did look a little hungover to me).
That gave them less than a day to put this thing together.
Oh, I do really hope that we get to hear the regular judges' take on Kara's runway collection! Her collection for Fashion Week was just glorious and I'd wear any and all of it a flash! Hopefully we at least get an appraisal of her work from Tim because he always offers so many keen insights into quality of construction, detailing and other important matters that don't always get due attention via the fuzzy medium of television.
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